Who Was Neville Goddard Really? The Life and Teachings of a Manifestation Master
Who Was Neville Goddard? We’re going to crack open Neville’s skull (metaphorically, of course) and peek at the inner workings of his manifestation mastery. We’ll explore how he turned assumption into a superpower, dive into mystical experiences and lucid dreams that have given him an edge, and break down his method so you can apply it today.
Table of Contents:
Who Was Neville Goddard?
If you’ve ever dabbled in the Law of Attraction, manifested your way to a parking spot, or even just daydreamed about your perfect life, you’ve got a little bit of Neville in you.
But who was Neville Goddard really, and why are his teachings still making waves decades after his passing?
For those of you who’ve been living under a metaphysical rock, Neville Goddard was a mystic who took the spiritual world by storm in the mid-20th century.
Neville was walking the walk, manifesting everything from transatlantic voyages to packed lecture halls with the power of his imagination.
But, what made Neville so damn good at manifestation?
Was it his charming mid-Atlantic accent?
His dashing good looks?
Or was there something more… mystical at play?
Let’s find out!

Who Is Neville Goddard: Life and Background
Many people ask, “Who was Neville Goddard before he became a spiritual teacher?”
Well, let me tell you, he wasn’t always the manifestation guru we know today. In fact, his early life took some surprising turns!
From Barbados to Broadway: The Early Years
To truly understand who Neville Goddard was, we need to start with his early life in Barbados.
Our manifestation teacher, Neville Lancelot Goddard, made his grand entrance into this world on 19 February 1905.
Born in Barbados in the British West Indies, Neville was the fourth child in a brood of nine siblings. Talk about a full house!
Little Neville grew up under the warm Caribbean sun, probably manifesting coconuts to fall directly into his hands (okay, I made that part up, but wouldn’t it be cool?).
But the island life wasn’t enough for our ambitious Neville.
Dancing His Way to America
In his late teens, Neville decided to shake things up – literally!
At the age of seventeen, he came to the United States to study drama. Neville became a dancer and sailed off to the Big Apple to pursue his dreams.
From vaudeville to Broadway, Neville danced his way through the roaring twenties. Little did he know, this was just the opening act of his incredible life journey.
The Spiritual Awakening
While Neville was busy cutting a rug on stage, the universe was preparing him for a different kind of performance.
His interest in the study of spiritual and mystical matters began to grow, leading him down a path that would eventually change countless lives – including yours truly!
The Abdullah Effect
In 1931, Neville met Abdullah, an Ethiopian Jewish mystic who would become his spiritual mentor. This encounter was like throwing gasoline on the spiritual fire already burning in Neville’s soul.
Abdullah introduced Neville to esoteric Christianity and taught him the power of imagination.
Abdullah allegedly taught both Goddard and Joseph Murphy.
Yep, the same Joseph Murphy who wrote “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” and became a self-help superstar in his own right.
Love, War, and Metaphysics
Neville Goddard’s personal life was as eventful as his spiritual journey.
He first married in 1923 and had a son the following year. His first marriage ended in divorce, but love wasn’t done with him yet. He later found happiness with his second wife, with whom he had a daughter.
In 1942, Neville received a surprise invitation from Uncle Sam for some army. Despite having a wife and daughter at home, Neville went off to serve. But here’s where it gets interesting:
After brief army training, Neville was honorably discharged.
Well, Neville told it in his March 24, 1972 lecture:
He used his imagination to manifest his way out of the army after just a few weeks of training! Now that’s what I call practical application of metaphysical principles!
The Legacy Begins
Post-war, Neville hit the ground running. He began giving lectures and wrote a series of books that would cement his place in the manifestation hall of fame.
Neville Goddard’s works became the go-to guide for anyone looking to bend reality to their will.
He also gave a series of talks on television that focused on the concepts of manifestation, faith, and the power of the subconscious mind.
Neville continued to spread his teachings until he took his final bow on October 1, 1972. But like any great performer, he left the stage with the audience wanting more – and boy, have we been lapping it up ever since!
Who Was Neville Goddard – Timeline
Neville Goddard’s Books
In his lifetime Neville wrote 15 books on the power of the mind.
His 3 most popular books are:
- Feeling Is The Secret
- Your Faith Is Your Fortune
- The Power of Awareness
Book Title | Description |
Feeling Is The Secret | Explains Goddard’s visualization techniques and the importance of feeling the wish fulfilled to manifest desires. |
Your Faith Is Your Fortune | Discusses how spiritual faith can be applied to create good fortune and improve life circumstances. |
The Power of Awareness | Provides foundational insights into Goddard’s perspective on consciousness and how awareness shapes reality. |
What Was Neville Goddard’s Philosophy?
At the heart of Neville Goddard’s philosophy is one radical idea: your imagination is God.
Yep, you read that right. Neville believed that the creative power we attribute to a supreme being is actually our own human imagination.
Here is the nutshell version of Neville’s mind-bending philosophy:
You Are the Creator
According to Neville, everything you see, feel, and experience is ultimately self-created.
In other words, you’re not just the star of your life’s movie – you’re the director, producer, and screenwriter too! Your thoughts and mental images, especially when combined with feeling, create your reality.
The Bible: A Psychological Drama
Neville saw the Bible as a psychological drama playing out in the human mind.
All those characters and stories? They’re symbolic representations of states of consciousness. Moses isn’t a guy with a staff – he’s the psychological state of being delivered from limiting beliefs!
The Law of Assumption
Neville taught that if you assume a desire is already fulfilled and continue in that assumption, it will harden into fact.
It’s like placing an order with your subconscious – assume it’s already yours, and the subconscious can’t help but deliver. Please don’t confuse this Law with the Law of Attraction, they’re not the same thing.
Everyone Is You Pushed Out
Ready for another mind-bender? Neville taught that everyone in your world is simply a reflection of your own consciousness.
Your relationships, interactions, and experiences with others are all projections of your own assumptions and beliefs. Talk about responsibility!
The Promise
Much of Neville’s teaching focused on manifesting desires (which he called “the Law”), but he also spoke of “the Promise.” The Promise is a spiritual awakening where you realize your true divine nature. It’s about remembering who you really are.

What Made Neville Goddard so Good at Manifesting
Now, you might be thinking, “I already know all these things, but who was Neville Goddard truly? What made him the master of manifestation?”
Well, you’re about to find out.
Spoiler alert:
It wasn’t just luck or a great head of hair (though let’s be honest, the man had style).
1. The Actor’s Edge: Living the Part
Remember how we mentioned Neville’s stint as a dancer and vaudeville performer? Well, these experiences gave Neville a secret weapon: the actor’s ability to fully embody a role.
As any theater kid will tell you, great acting has nothing to do with memorizing lines. It’s about becoming the character.
Neville took this skill and applied it to manifestation.
When Neville imagined his desired reality, he was living it, feeling it, breathing it. He became a different version of himself in his mind.
2. Mastering the Subconscious
Neville had a knack for communicating with his subconscious mind that would make Freud jealous.
He understood that the subconscious doesn’t differentiate between real and imagined experiences. So, he treated his imagination like a direct hotline to his subconscious.
Through his famous “State Akin to Sleep,” Neville could bypass the critical, often skeptical conscious mind and plant his desires directly into the fertile soil of the subconscious.
It’s like he had a backdoor pass to the control room of reality!

3. Heightened, Controlled Awareness
Neville wasn’t going through life on autopilot—he was tuned in. He knew how to direct his awareness through vivid imagination and feeling.
He emphasized living in the end result, which requires a high level of awareness to maintain throughout daily life.
Neville’s heightened awareness enabled him to observe his own thought patterns and beliefs, making it easier to influence and change them.
It also allowed him to notice the subtle signs and synchronicities that most of us miss while we’re busy scrolling through Instagram.
4. State Control
Now, here’s where Neville really shines!
His ability to control and navigate different states of consciousness, particularly the “state akin to sleep” and “living in the end,” gave him access to highly suggestible mental states perfect for manifestation.
Neville was able to shift into the perfect state for whatever manifestation work he was doing.
The “state akin to sleep” allowed him to communicate directly with his subconscious, planting seeds of desire in the most fertile soil of the mind.
Meanwhile, “living in the end” let him fully embody the feeling of his wish fulfilled, sending a powerful message to his subconscious that his desire was already reality.
By mastering these states, Neville could essentially tune his brain to the perfect frequency for manifestation.
5. Practice Makes Perfect
Neville was constantly practicing, refining, and living his techniques.
Manifestation wasn’t a hobby for Neville—it was a way of life.
Neville applied his methods to everything from small daily occurrences to life-changing events.
This persistent practice strengthened his belief in the process. It’s like he was at the mental gym every day.
6. The Faith Factor
Last but definitely not least, Neville had faith in his methods.
Neville didn’t just think his techniques might work—he knew they would work.
This unwavering belief created a powerful feedback loop. The more he believed, the better his techniques worked.
And the better they worked, the more he believed. It’s the manifestation equivalent of a perpetual motion machine!
So there you have it, the secret combo that made Neville Goddard a master. Now, don’t get discouraged if you’re not nailing all these aspects right off the bat.
Remember, even Neville had to start somewhere. The key is to start applying these principles in your own life, one imaginal act at a time.
Four States of Being
Now, let’s talk about the four states of being that Neville often referenced in his teachings. Think of these as different levels of consciousness, each with its own unique power and purpose:
Waking Consciousness:
This is our normal, everyday awareness. It’s the state where we interact with the physical world, make decisions, and go about our daily lives. Important? Sure. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
State Akin to Sleep:
No, this isn’t about catching Z’s. This is a state where your conscious mind takes a backseat, allowing easier access to your subconscious mind. It’s like the VIP lounge of your consciousness where the real manifestation magic happens. We’ll dive deeper into how to access this state later, so stay tuned!
State of I AM:
The state of I AM is pure awareness of being, which Neville equates with God. It’s recognizing our inherent divinity. When you say “I AM,” you’re tapping into the creative power of the universe. It’s like being the sun that illuminates your entire world.
State of the Wish Fulfilled:
This is where the rubber meets the road in manifestation. It’s about fully embodying and feeling the reality of your desire being accomplished. It’s feeling the satisfaction of sitting at your new desk, hearing the congratulations of your colleagues, seeing your new paycheck. You are living in the end result as if it’s already happened.
Learning to navigate these states is key to mastering Neville’s techniques.
They’re like different gears in your car – each has its purpose, and knowing when and how to shift between them can supercharge your manifesting skills.
State of Being | Description |
Waking Consciousness | Our normal everyday awareness. |
State Akin to Sleep | A state where the conscious mind is less active, allowing easier access to the subconscious mind |
State of I AM | Pure awareness of being, equated with God; recognizing our inherent divinity. |
State of the Wish Fulfilled | Fully embodying and feeling the reality of our desire being accomplished. |
Neville Goddard’s Gateway to Mystical Experiences
It’s time to jump into the technicolor world of lucid dreaming and how it might have given Neville Goddard his manifestation mojo.
Was Neville Goddard a Lucid Dreamer?
Now, Neville never explicitly said, “Hey folks, I’m a lucid dreamer!“
But if you read between the lines of his teachings and experiences, it’s like he’s waving a neon sign that screams “LUCID DREAMER EXTRAORDINAIRE!”
He described vivid, controlled visualizations that he could manipulate at will.
In his book “The Law and the Promise,” Neville recounts numerous experiences where he consciously created and controlled dream-like scenarios to manifest specific outcomes.
In one of his lectures, Goddard describes how he consciously entered a dream state while fully aware.
The full title of the lecture is “Step Into the Picture: Who God Really Is.”
If that’s not lucid dreaming, I’ll eat my magical hat.
While we won’t delve too deeply into Neville’s dreams here, they’re a fascinating aspect of his life.
Neville Goddard’s Mystical Experiences
In his lectures, Neville also described profound spiritual experiences that blur the line between dreaming and waking reality.
He talked about consciously exiting his physical body, traveling through different dimensions, and even encountering spiritual beings.
One of his most famous experiences was his “resurrection” in 1959. Neville claimed he was “born from above” in a vivid, mystical experience that felt more real than physical reality.
He described it as:
“An activity which takes place in man as he sleeps or seems to sleep.”
This is how Neville came to believe that our physical world is just a shadow of a greater, more malleable reality.
We can access and influence this greater reality through our imagination and dreams.
So, what does this mean for us mere mortal manifestors?
Well, it suggests that tapping into altered states of consciousness – whether through meditation, self-hypnosis, or yes, lucid dreaming – might supercharge our manifestation abilities.

The Power of Assumption: Neville Goddard’s Superpower
Alright, it’s time to talk about Neville Goddard’s secret weapon: his superhuman ability to assume the state of his wish fulfilled.
Assuming the State of the Wish Fulfilled: More Than Daydreaming
Neville’s concept of “assuming” a desired state was like method-acting for manifestation.
It was about becoming the person who already has it.
Imagine if Daniel Day-Lewis prepared for a role by actually becoming Abraham Lincoln. That’s the level of commitment we’re talking about here.
Neville would say:
“You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality.“
In other words, don’t just imagine having that dream job – feel the satisfaction of sitting in your new office, smell the leather of your executive chair, and hear the congratulations of your colleagues.
Make it so real that your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between your imagination and reality.
Now, you might be thinking, “Sure, that sounds great, but how the heck did Neville actually do this?”
Let’s get into it!
The Neville Goddard Method: Breaking It Down
Alright, it’s time to pop the hood on Neville’s manifestation machine and see what makes it purr. Let’s break down his method into bite-sized pieces that you can take home and try on for size.
Relaxation and the Drowsy State: The Gateway to Your Imagination
First things first:
In his books and lectures, Neville often talks about a state of drowsiness that’s like the VIP lounge of your consciousness.
He called this the “state akin to sleep.” It’s that delicious moment when you’re drifting off, but you’re still aware enough to control your thoughts.
Your logical mind is taking a siesta, but your imagination is wide awake and ready to party.
Here’s how to get there:
- Find a comfy spot where you won’t be disturbed. (No, the middle of your staff meeting probably isn’t ideal.)
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
- Relax your body from head to toe. Feel yourself sinking into the surface beneath you.
- Let your mind wander, but stay just conscious enough to guide it.
Congrats! You’re now in the manifestation sweet spot. This is where the magic happens.
Visualization and Sensory Vividness: Making Your Imagination HD
Now that you’re relaxed, it’s time to crank up the imagination to 11. This means no vague, wishy-washy visualizations. You need to create mental scenes so vivid you could practically taste them.
Here’s the secret sauce:
- Construct a scene that implies your desire is already fulfilled. (Got that dream job? Imagine shaking hands with your new boss.)
- Use ALL your senses. What do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Feel?
- Make it first-person. You’re not watching a movie of your life; you’re living it!
- Add details. The more specific, the better. (Is that a leather chair you’re sitting in? What color is it? How does it feel?)
Remember, your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between a vividly imagined experience and a real one. So make it real!
Emotional Intensity: Feeling It Real
Here’s where Neville separates the manifestation women from the girls (or men from the boys, or non-binary folks from… you get the idea).
It’s not enough to see it – you’ve got to FEEL it.
Neville called this “feeling it real.” You need to generate the emotions you’d feel if your desire was already fulfilled.
Joy, excitement, gratitude, relief – whatever fits your scenario.
Because emotion is the fuel that powers your manifestation rocket. The more genuine emotion you can generate, the faster that rocket’s going to take off.
So you want that new job?
Feel the pride swelling in your chest. Taste the celebratory champagne. Let the excitement tingle through your body.
Persistence: The Zen of Manifestation
Now, here’s where it gets tricky. Neville taught that you need to persist in your assumption of the wish fulfilled, but also… detach from the outcome.
I know, I know, it sounds like trying to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time. But stick with me here.
Persistence means regularly returning to your imaginal scene, feeling it real each time.
But it also means trusting the process even if your 3d reality isn’t changing.
No obsessing, no constantly checking to see if it’s manifested yet. (Put down that phone and stop refreshing your email!)
It’s like dropping a seed into fertile soil. You don’t dig it up every day to see if it’s growing. You trust that it’s doing its thing underground.
So there you have it – the Neville Goddard method in all its glory:
- Relaxation (state akin to sleep),
- Vivid visualization,
- Emotional intensity,
- Persistence.
Neville Goddard has many methods, but they all include these exact elements.
Of course, like any skill, this takes practice.
You wouldn’t expect to pick up a guitar for the first time and play like Jimi Hendrix, right?
So be patient with yourself.
Keep at it, and before you know it, you’ll be manifesting like a pro.
Ready to put this into action?
My Experience with the Neville Goddard Method
Now, let me share my experiences with Neville Goddard’s techniques. I’ve been applying his techniques for years, and it’s been one wild ride!
One of my favorite ways to use Neville’s method is at the end of my meditation sessions. Once I’m in that relaxed, receptive state, I dive into my imaginal scene and really feel it real.
But here’s where it gets really interesting:
I’ve noticed that when I dream about experiencing my desired outcome, it’s like a cosmic thumbs-up from my subconscious. It’s as if my subconscious is saying, “Message received, boss! We’re on it!“
Let me give you a little example:
Once, I was preparing for a crucial exam. I’d been visualizing acing it for days. Then, one night, I had a dream where I saw the key question that would be on the exam.
Fast forward to exam day, and lo and behold, there was that exact question!
And you know what?
My subconscious just spat out the answer like it was no big deal.
And that’s just one story that first popped into my mind! You can find more inspiring success stories here.
Your Manifestation Toolkit
I’m about to hand you a Swiss Army knife of practical tips to kickstart your Neville Goddard-style manifestation journey.
1. The “As If” Challenge:
For one full day, act “as if” your desire is already fulfilled. Walking to work? Stride with the confidence of someone who just got a massive promotion. Single? Radiate the joy of someone deeply in love. It’s like Halloween, but instead of dressing up as a superhero, you’re dressing up as your future self!
2. The Gratitude Fast-Track:
Before bed, write down five things you’re grateful for as if your desire is already fulfilled. This primes your subconscious to accept your new reality and bonus – you’ll probably sleep better too!
3. The Movie Trailer Technique:
Create a 30-second “movie trailer” of your life with your desire fulfilled. When visualizing, engage all five senses. Make it vivid, exciting, and play it in your mind whenever you need a manifestation boost. Coming soon to your reality!
4. Deep Relaxation
Try out the 4-7-8 Breath: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7, exhale for 8. Do this for a few minutes before your visualization practice. It’s like a chill pill for your nervous system.
Neville Goddard’s Techniques
Looking for more powerful Neville Goddard’s techniques to try out?
Check out this list of cool techniques! They all include the same 4 elements we discussed before.
Technique | Description |
Revision | Reimagine past events to align with your desires, effectively changing your past to influence your present and future. |
Lullaby Method | Repeating a short phrase affirming your desire as you fall asleep, programming your subconscious mind. |
Isn’t It Wonderful | Use the phrase “Isn’t it wonderful…” followed by your desire, to evoke positive emotions and belief. |
Inner Conversations Technique | Consciously direct your internal dialogue to align with your desired reality. |
I Remember When | Speak about your desire as if it’s a past event, creating a sense of it already being fulfilled. |
Congratulations Technique | Visualize people congratulating you on achieving your desire, making it feel more real. |
Eavesdropping | Imagine overhearing others discussing the fulfillment of your desire, adding social proof to your manifestation. |
Ladder Technique | A specific visualization exercise to prove the power of imagination in manifesting physical events. |
Telephone Technique | Imagine a phone call in which someone shares with you the news you want to hear. |
“Smell the Money” Method | Use your sense of smell to create a vivid impression of money (or anything else). |
These techniques are tools to help you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Experiment with them and find what works best for you!
For more of Neville Goddard’s techniques click here.
Who Was Neville Goddard Really? Final Thoughts
We’ve taken quite the journey!
From exploring who Neville Goddard was – a boy from Barbados who became a metaphysical master – to his revolutionary techniques, we’ve covered a lot of ground.
So, what have we learned?
Key Takeaways
- Neville’s superpower was his ability to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled with the conviction of a method actor.
- The mysterious Abdullah, teacher to both Neville and Joseph Murphy, reminds us that sometimes the most profound wisdom comes from the most unexpected sources.
- Mastering different states of consciousness, particularly the “state akin to sleep” and “living in the end,” can supercharge your manifestation abilities.
- Lucid dreaming boosts your manifestations even further and explores the depths of your subconscious.
- The Neville Goddard method is a mix of relaxation, vivid visualization, emotional intensity, and a bit of persisting.
- Everyone is You Pushed Out: Your world is a reflection of your consciousness. Change your assumptions, change your world.
- From revision to the ladder technique, Neville’s techniques are tools to help you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Experiment and find what works best for you.
- Neville’s success came from constant practice and application of his techniques. Manifestation isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s a lifestyle.
Putting Knowledge Into Action
Are you ready to put this knowledge into action?
Knowing about these techniques is like having a map to buried treasure. It’s cool and all, but it’s not going to make you rich unless you grab a shovel and start digging!
Manifestation is about becoming the person who naturally creates the life they desire.
So Here’s My Challenge to You:
Pick one technique from this post – just one – and commit to practicing it every day for the next week. Maybe it’s the “As If” challenge, or perhaps you’ll give the movie trailer a shot. Whatever it is, give it your all.
As Neville would say, “An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.”
P.S. Don’t forget to come back and share your success stories.
November 14, 2024 @ 5:57 pm
I love this! This blog is like a whole course on Neville Goddard’s concepts. You did a great job of breaking down some pretty complex stuff into clear and easy-to-understand points that anyone can get. Key ideas, like how to really feel your desires, are explained really well. Kudos to you for making these concepts so relatable and useful for us!
November 14, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
Thank you so much, Lex! 🙏 I’m thrilled that the breakdown resonated with you—Neville’s teachings truly transform when we make them simple and actionable, right? Knowing it’s helpful means a lot.