State Akin to Sleep SATS Full Guide to Manifest Your Desires
Want to maximize your chances of manifesting your dreams?
Then you should definitely use the state akin to sleep. In this blog post, I’ll explain exactly what this state akin to sleep is and how to use it.
Let’s get started!
What you'll find in this article:
This state akin to sleep guide is designed to explain how the mind works and how to utilize it to create the life you desire. So whether you’re looking to create a loving relationship, a new job, or financial abundance, it will show you how to access the power of your imagination and turn your dreams into reality.
What Is The State Akin to Sleep?Â
The term “state akin to sleep” was used by a new thought author and mystic Neville Goddard to describe a specific state of consciousness that occurs when you’re deeply relaxed but still in control of your attention.Â
Basically, the state Neville is describing is the same thing as hypnosis.
The state akin to sleep (SATS) is the transitional state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep. In such a state, your mind is much more open to accepting your suggestions.
Intentionally utilizing this state akin to sleep makes it much easier to impress your mind with what you want. And then successfully manifest your desire.
That’s why Neville recommended it. It is also one of my personal favorites when it comes to manifesting my desires.
Even though it naturally occurs right before you fall asleep, it’s important to note:
You can enter SATS whenever you want.
Who Is Neville Goddard?
Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who was active in the mid-20th century.Â
Neville is best known for his work on the power of imagination and the law of assumption.
He taught that by assuming the feeling of a desired outcome as if it has already happened, we can bring it into reality.
You can find more information on Neville and his work in my article about the law of assumption.
Science Behind SATS
Your brain’s nerve cells (neurons) constantly interact with one another using electricity. These electrical signals can be measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG).
An EEG can determine 5 kinds of different brain waves. I’ve listed them in order from fastest to slowest:
- Gamma waves – concentrating, focusing, learning
- Beta waves – active intelligence, external attention
- Alpha waves – very relaxed, passive attention, recharging Â
- Theta waves – deeply relaxed, inward focused, falling asleep, “auto-pilot” states
- Delta waves – sleep or deep meditation

As you can see, your brain waves are slower the more relaxed you are.Â
When you’re fully awake, your mind creates alpha and beta waves, with beta waves being prevalent. But, as you get drowsy, beta waves drop significantly, and alpha waves increase. They are soon followed by theta waves.Â
Generally, alpha and theta waves take place when you’re drifting off to sleep or during that light stage of sleep right before you wake up.
They can also happen when you’re completely awake and in a deeply relaxed state, like meditation or hypnosis, or even while doing some activities on “autopilot,” like driving to a familiar location.
Without getting too deep into brain science right now, it’s useful to point out that the state akin to sleep Neville was talking about corresponds with what we know about those alpha and theta brain waves.
That relaxed state when your brain is operating on slower brain waves is an ideal opportunity to influence your subconscious mind and impress it with your desire.
Of course, you don’t have to measure your brainwave activity to achieve that.
I’m mentioning brain waves to give you some context about the state akin to sleep and some ideas for obtaining it.Â
Just remember this:
Your mind should be sufficiently relaxed so that your conscious mind (the rational, critical part of your brain) shuts down and yet still alert enough that you can choose what to focus on.
If you can do that, your success is guaranteed.
How to Enter The State Akin to Sleep
I have already explained that your mind is most receptive to suggestions right after you wake up and just before falling asleep.
Those are the moments during the day when your mind is naturally in SATS. So you can use that to your benefit and practice consciously going into it.
But, as I’ve mentioned, you can do it any time during the day you want. All you have to do is allow yourself to relax deeply.
Firstly, create a comfortable and quiet environment. Make sure you won’t be disturbed. This can include dim lighting, comfortable clothing, and an appropriate place to sit or lie down.
If you already practice meditation, deep breathing, or any other relaxation method, this should be quite easy.
In case you’re not familiar with any such methods, I’ve got you covered!
Here are easy-to-follow instructions to enter this state:
- First, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes.
- Start breathing deeply and evenly.Â
- As you hold your eyes closed, look up toward your eyebrows.Â
- Focus on your breath until it feels naturally smooth and balanced.
By breathing in this manner, your mind will become more relaxed and calm, as it sends a signal to your brain to relax and slow down.
I’m suggesting looking upwards with closed eyes because it helps activate the brain’s visual cortex, which can make visual imagery more vivid and effective in inducing a hypnotic state. It’s a common practice in hypnosis. If it doesn’t feel good to do it, skip this step.Â
Once you’re completely relaxed, it will be easier to control the direction of your thoughts.Â
You’ll know that you’re in SATS when your usual mind chatter ceases, and you feel calmer and more at ease.

As you enter this state, you can apply a manifestation technique of your choice.
For instance, you can practice visualization or mentally affirm that you already have your desire.
I also want to mention that SATS is not a technique.Â
It’s a state of mind that amplifies the effect of your manifestation technique.
How to Visualize in SATS to Manifest Your Desires
As I mentioned, there are many methods you can practice once you’re in this state. The most common one is visualization, so I will get deeper into it here.
Just one thing I want to clarify first:
It’s essential to get clear about what you want to manifest before you enter into SATS.
I presume you’re already aware of what that is. If not, make sure you define exactly what you want before you start your visualization.
When that’s out of the way, let’s continue!
Once you’re in SATS:
Pick an image or a short scene that implies you already have your desire. Just imagine you already have that great job, loving relationship, amount of money, perfect health, etc.
See it from the first perspective as if you were right there, experiencing that moment through your physical senses.
What would it be like to have your desire?
How would you feel?
What emotions would you experience?Â
Would you feel happy, content, or in love?Â
Would you feel a sense of completion or perhaps just a sense of relief?
Just hold the same image until you feel that feeling of your wish fulfilled.
Allow that feeling to flood your whole body.
That’s it.
If you want to follow Neville’s recommendation, you can practice this visualization at night until you fall asleep.
However, it’s not a requirement.
Personally, I get the same results following this method whether I visualize during the day or right before I fall asleep.
Just do what works for you.
As long as you feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled while you visualize, you will manifest what you want.
Can You Use SATS if You Don’t Like Visualizing?
You find it challenging to visualize?
No problem! Just focus more on your other senses.
For instance, you can imagine that you’re talking about your desire with a friend. Hear them congratulating you on your desired outcome.Â
Alternatively, you can repeat affirmations instead.
The crucial part is to assume the feeling of your desire as if it has already been fulfilled.
If you can do that, you will manifest your desire. It’s only a matter of time.
How to Affirm in SATSÂ
Affirmations are positive statements that can have a powerful impact on the mind. They help to reprogram the subconscious mind, aligning it with your desired outcome.
To harness the full power of affirmations in SATS, follow these 5 easy steps:
- Â Create positive affirmations:Â Pick a few affirmations related to your wish. Choose those that perfectly align with your desired outcome. For example, suppose you want large sums of money. In that case, you can use affirmations such as “I am now financially successful and prosperous.” or “I am so grateful for this abundance of money.“.Â
- Relax your mind and body:Â As said before, to access a state akin to sleep, it is vital to relax.
- Repeat affirmations:Â Once you have accessed a state akin to sleep, repeat your affirmations verbally or in your mind with feeling and conviction.
- Feel the desired outcome:Â As you repeat your affirmations, feel the desired result as if it has already happened. Focus on the feeling of having already achieved it.
- Repeat regularly:Â It’s crucial to practice affirmations regularly and consistently. The more you do it, the more powerful it becomes.
For the best results, I suggested creating a simple pre-sleep ritual:
Simply read your affirmations while you’re getting ready to sleep at night. This helps embed them in your mind, making recitation during SATS a breeze.
If you still find it difficult to repeat affirmations when you’re in a drowsy state:
You can record your affirmations and then listen to them while in SATS.
It’s extremely easy, and it’ll only take a few minutes to make them. Most smartphones have a built-in voice recorder app that you can use to record your affirmations. Just open the app, press the record button, and speak your affirmations clearly into the microphone. It can be as simple as that!
If you want to learn more about affirmations, you can read my guide to perfect affirmations.Â
5 Tips on Manifesting in SATS
Ok, now you have all the essentials to successfully manifest your dreams using SATS. It may take some time and practice to access this state, but with patience and persistence, you will be able to access it and use it to manifest what you want.
Let’s briefly recap the most important steps:
- Clearly define your desired outcome: Before accessing a state akin to sleep, you must have a clear and specific idea of what you want to manifest.
- Create a comfortable and quiet environment: This can include dim lighting, comfortable clothing, and a quiet place to sit or lie down. Most importantly, make sure you won’t be interrupted.
- Practice relaxation techniques: As I mentioned, it is crucial to relax your body and mind to access a state akin to sleep. You can use the instructions previously mentioned.
- Pick a manifestation method of your choice: Once you have accessed SATS, pick a technique that works for you. The most common ones are visualization and affirmations.
- Feel the desired outcome: It is essential to feel the desired result as if it has already happened. Focus on the feeling of having already achieved it. Use all your senses to make your experience as vivid as possible.Â
How Long Should You Practice SATS?
The question I get asked a lot is – “How long do I have to practice this method?“
Well, you probably won’t get what you want by doing it once.
It usually takes some time to impress your subconscious mind with your desired outcome. As I often say, impressing your subconscious requires persistence and repetition.
Ideally, you should repeat this method for the same desire until the feeling of already having your wish becomes your dominant state.
I recommend practicing daily for at least two weeks.
It could be highly effective. So it’s worth giving it a try!
If you feel stuck with your manifestation and need extra support, you can contact me here. I’m trained in hypnotherapy, so I can easily guide you into SATS and help you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled if you book a session with me.
January 25, 2025 @ 11:53 am
Thank you for this information.
January 28, 2025 @ 10:49 am
You’re welcome! Enjoy exploring this powerful technique. 💫