Law of Attraction Physics: The Surprising Connection Between Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction
Have you ever wondered how the law of attraction works? How can your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings shape your reality? Is the law of attraction physics, or is it just wishful thinking?
You’re not alone if you’ve been asking yourself these questions. Many people are curious about the connection between the law of attraction and quantum physics. In this post, I’ll explore this fascinating topic and show you how the science of the smallest particles can help you understand the power of your mind.
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As a manifestation coach, I have seen the law of attraction work wonders in my own life and in the lives of my clients. So I don’t need any scientific proof to believe in it, but I know that some people do. That’s why I decided to write this post and share some insights that quantum mechanics and physics can offer us about the nature of reality and our role in creating it.
Let’s dive in!
What is the Law of Attraction?
Firstly, I want to clear this out:
The law of attraction itself is not a physical law.
However, it definitely isn’t just a woo-woo, either. It’s still called “the law” for a reason.
The law of attraction is a universal law. It states that like attracts like. This means that whatever you think, feel and believe, you will attract into your life.
The law of attraction is based on the premise that everything is energy and that energy vibrates at different frequencies.
Our thoughts are also energy. They can vibrate at the frequency of what we desire or fear.
When we align our thoughts with our desires, we send a signal to the Universe that attracts more of what we want. Likewise, when we align our thoughts with our fears, we send out a signal that attracts more fear-based outcomes.
But how does this work? How can our thoughts influence our reality?
What’s the science behind the law of attraction?
This is where quantum physics comes in.
The Definition of Quantum Physics
Quantum physics is the branch of science that studies the nature and behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales.
It reveals that the physical world is not as solid and predictable as we think. In fact, it is full of surprises and paradoxes that challenge our common sense and logic.
Quantum physics and quantum mechanics are still relatively new branches of science. But they explain more about our reality than classical Newtonian physics.
Quantum physics was born out of the need to explain phenomena that could not be explained by classical physics. Newton’s laws of physics work well for large objects and events, such as planets, stars, and gravity. But they fail to describe what happens at the microscopic level, where particles behave in strange and unpredictable ways.
According to quantum physics, the rules of physics are different when particles are involved. For example, particles can:
- Exist in multiple states at once,
- Move faster than light,
- And even affect each other across vast distances.
This is not a pseudoscience or a fantasy. On the contrary, it is a well-established and widely accepted field of science that has been tested and verified by countless experiments and observations. It is also supported by some of the most brilliant minds in history, such as Einstein, a well-known physicist who famously said:
He also believed that the Universe is infinite and that everything is connected through a mysterious force he called “spooky action at a distance.”
Quantum Superposition
One of the most fascinating discoveries of quantum physics is that everything in the Universe is made up of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are composed of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.
These subatomic particles are not solid objects, but rather waves of energy that can exist in multiple states at once. This means that they can be in more than one place at the same time, or change from one state to another depending on how they are observed.
This phenomenon is known as quantum superposition. It shows that reality is not fixed or objective, but rather subjective and dependent on our perception.
Quantum Entanglement
Another phenomenon that demonstrates this is quantum entanglement. It occurs when two or more particles are linked together in such a way that they share the same quantum state. This means that whatever happens to one particle affects the other instantly, no matter how far apart they are.
This defies the laws of classical physics and shows that there is a deeper level of connection and communication between everything in existence.
If everything emerged from the Big Bang theory, that implies that everything is entangled.
Everything in the Universe is connected.

What’s the Connection Between Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction?
So what does this have to do with the law of attraction and manifestation? How do we use quantum physics to manifest our desires?
Well, if everything is energy and everything is connected, then it means that our thoughts are also connected to everything else. Our thoughts have the power to influence not only our own reality, but also the reality of others.
We can use our mind to create our own reality by choosing what we focus on and what we expect.
There is only energy in the Universe. Matter is just a form of condensed energy that can change and transform. This means that we are not separate from the energy field that surrounds us and permeates us. On the contrary, we are part of it, and we can mold it with our conscious mind.
The law of attraction operates on the principle that we are connected to everything through the quantum field. By changing our thoughts and feelings, we change our vibration and attract into our lives what matches our frequency.
When we have positive thoughts and feelings, we raise our frequency and draw positive things into our life.
The energy field responds by bringing us what we want in physical form. This is how we can manifest our dreams and goals.
However, many people are unaware of this power or use it unconsciously. They let their negative thoughts and emotions dominate and create unwanted situations. They can’t see that they are the creators of their own reality.
Nothing is fixed or predetermined in the quantum realm. Everything is possible, and everything exists as a potential until we make it real.
We have unlimited choices and opportunities to create our own reality.
How Can the Law of Attraction Physics Help You with Manifesting?
But how do we do this? How do we use the law of attraction to manifest our desires? Here are 5 steps you can follow:
Define your intention.
The first step is to decide what you want to manifest in your life. Be as clear and specific as possible. Write it down in a positive and present tense. For example, “I am happy and healthy,” “I have a loving and supportive partner,” or “I earn $10,000 per month from my online business“.
Raise your vibration.
The second step is to align your vibration with your intention. You have to feel good about what you want and believe that you deserve it. You can do this by expressing gratitude, joy, love and appreciation for what you already have and for what you want to manifest. You can use affirmations, meditation, music, art, or any other activity that makes you happy and relaxed.
Visualize your desired outcome.
Visualize it in your mind as if it has already happened. Visualization is a great way to focus our thoughts on what we want to manifest. By visualizing our desired outcome, we emit a powerful signal. That signal then draws the outcomes we want into our lives.
Let go and trust.
The next step is to let go of your attachment to the outcome and trust that the Universe will deliver it to you in the best way possible. You don’t have to worry about how or when it will happen. You just have to trust that it will happen and be open to receive it. You can do this by surrendering your control and allowing yourself to be guided by your intuition, signs, synchronicities and opportunities.
Take inspired action.
The last step is to take inspired action towards your goal. Act on your impulses, hunches, ideas and inspirations that come from your subconscious mind or higher self. These are the signals from the Universe that show you the way to your manifestation. You don’t have to force anything or struggle against anything. You just have to follow your joy and excitement and do what feels right for you.
By following these steps, you can use the law of attraction physics to manifest your reality. You can use your mind to create anything you want in your life. You can influence not only your own reality, but also the reality of others.
But remember, this is not a magic trick or wishful thinking.
This is a natural law that works whether you are aware of it or not. The key is to become aware of it and use it consciously and deliberately to create the life you want.

Even though this view is not widely accepted by mainstream scientists, the law of attraction physics can, in a way, bridge the gap between science and spirituality.
It is showing us that there is more to life than what meets the eye. It is a way of understanding ourselves better, and living in harmony with the natural laws that govern our existence.
And the best part is that you don’t have to do this alone. You have the support and guidance of the Universe. You have the power and wisdom of your subconscious mind and higher self at all times.
If you want to delve deep into universal laws and master manifesting with my help, contact me.