Neville Goddard’s “I Remember When” Technique: Manifest Abundance, Love, and Success
Neville Goddard’s “I remember when” manifesting technique is a game-changer when you’re trying to manifest your desires. It involves imagining that your desired outcome has already happened. And then looking back on the present moment as if it were in the past. When you shift your focus to the feeling of already having what you want, you can create that desired outcome in your life.
Sounds interesting?
If yes, then let’s start exploring the transformative power of “I remember when.”
Table of Content:
Neville Goddard
In case you haven’t heard about Neville Goddard before, let’s briefly explain who he was.
Neville Goddard was a philosopher, spiritual teacher, and author in the 20th century. His teachings focus on the power of our imagination and its ability to shape our world.
Goddard’s teachings were heavily influenced by mystical and esoteric traditions such as Hermeticism and the Kabalah.
He wrote many books and gave countless lectures on the power of imagination and the law of assumption.
Goddard still continues to inspire those seeking a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and their own power to influence their lives.
Curious to know more about Neville and the law of assumption? You can read the full article.
What Is the “I Remember When” Technique?
So what is this technique, you ask?
“I remember when” allows you to transport yourself into the future, where your wish has already been fulfilled. Then, you look back on the present from this new vantage point. You can experience the feeling of already having what you want. It’s like creating a new memory that hasn’t happened yet.
Talking about what we want in the past tense makes it easier for our mind to accept it as a real memory.
“I remember when” works for anything. So whether it’s a specific person, money, or a new career, you can use it to keep yourself in a positive and empowered state.
Instead of dwelling on your current circumstances, you are creating a mental image of your desired outcome and feeling as if it’s already happened. Then, you look back on your current circumstances from the perspective of already having your manifestation.
3 Magic Words Formula
This is a simple and powerful formula for your manifestation.
All you have to do is say to yourself:
“I remember when [insert past event], and now [insert desired outcome].”
For example, one of my clients had been struggling to find a job for months. She was frustrated and discouraged, and her self-doubt was starting to take over. So when we started working together, I introduced her to this formula.
We crafted a statement that went something like this: “I remember when I was stressed about finding a job, but now I’m grateful for my amazing new job and the opportunities it brings.“
When you use the “I remember when” process this way, you are instructing your subconscious mind to “remember” now how you were unfulfilled before. By doing so, you are implying that’s no longer the case.
Pretty clever; you’ll agree.

How to Use the “I Remember When” Technique?
Now we’ll break down this process step-by-step:
Step 1: Identify what you want.
The first step is to clearly identify your desired outcome. This could be anything from a new job to a romantic relationship to a financial abundance. Then, describe it as vividly as possible.
Step 2: Imagine yourself in the future.
The second step is to use your imagination to put yourself further down your timeline, to a point where you have already achieved your desired outcome. So, for example, if you want a new career, imagine yourself in your new role, doing the work you love.
In other words, instead of assuming that the thing you want will be yours in the future, assume that it is already yours now.
It could be 2 weeks or 2 years from now. It doesn’t really matter.
Step 3: Look back at your present.
From that new perspective, you then look back on your present situation, where you don’t have your manifestation yet. This is where the “I remember when” comes into play.
For example, say you want to manifest your ex back. You can use this technique by saying: “I remember when we were apart, and I was lonely and sad. But now, we’re back together, and our relationship is stronger than ever.“
Or, if you want more money, try saying, “I remember when I was struggling to pay the bills, but now I am thriving and have more than enough to live comfortably.”
When we use the “I remember when” method like this, our mind instantly remembers how “I’ve been struggling to pay the bills before.” So, it naturally moves into a state where having enough money is perfectly normal.
Step 4: Experience the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
As you look back on your current situation from a new perspective, you can start to feel as if you already have what you want. This feeling is the key to your manifestation. It brings your thoughts and beliefs into alignment with your outcome. As a result, you start to experience the emotions and sensations associated with it.
Step 5: Repeat the process.
To reinforce this state, you can repeat this process as often as you’d like. You can do it as a mental exercise or even write it down as a journal entry. You can also repeat your “I remember when…” statement as an affirmation.
This is an important step, because yoursubconscious mind learns through repetition. So don’t be disappointed if you don’t see results right away. You need to be persistent.

This 3 words formula from Neville Goddard is an excellent tool for accessing our creative power to change our circumstances. It’s easy to use, and you can apply it anytime, anywhere.
The “I remember when” method is particularly useful for maintaining the end state. We can experience our desired outcome as if it’s already happened.
It is also necessary to note that the power to change your circumstances is within you, and this 3 words formula is just one way to tap into that power.
You can read or download Neville’s lecture about the “I remember when” method.
And as always, if you need guidance or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
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