Are We Truly Free? Neville Goddard’s Free Will View Explained
The internet’s a battleground when it comes to Neville’s stance on free will. You’ve got Reddit warriors, Instagram gurus, and everyone in between thinking they’ve cracked the code. Some swear that Neville argued that there is no free will, while others claim he was waving the free will flag high and proud. It’s time to explain Neville Goddard’s take on free will once and for all.
Table of Contents:
Illusion of The Free Will: You’re Not as Free as You Think
Imagine the following scene:
You’re standing in front of your closet, deciding what to wear.
You pick the blue shirt.
Free will in action, right?
Well… not exactly.
According to Neville Goddard, that “choice” was about as free as a puppet’s dance.
Let’s pull back the curtain on the puppet master in your mind: your subconscious.
It’s the part of your mind that operates below your conscious awareness.
The Puppet Master in Your Mind
Your subconscious is like Instagram’s recommendation algorithm on steroids.
It’s constantly running in the background, processing years of data – your experiences, beliefs, and habits – to serve up what it thinks you need.
That blue shirt?
It might as well have been preselected before you even opened your eyes this morning.
Why Your “Choices” Might Be Pre-programmed
- You chose the healthy salad for lunch? Your subconscious remembered that guilt from last night’s pizza binge.
- Picked up a new hobby? It’s likely filling a void you weren’t even aware of.
- Fell for that “unexpected” impulse buy? Your subconscious was two steps ahead, influenced by that ad you scrolled past yesterday.
The Shocking Truth About Your Daily Decisions
Studies suggest that your brain makes decisions seconds before you become aware of them.
That’s right – your subconscious is living in the future, and you’re just along for the ride.
Here are two examples if you want to read it yourself:
- Article discussing the Future Minds Lab at UNSW School of Psychology
- How the brain unconsciously prepares our decisions
But before you spiral into an existential crisis, thinking you’re just a meat puppet controlled by an invisible maestro, hang tight.
There’s a twist that’ll blow your mind – and potentially change your life.
The real magic happens when you realize that this isn’t a life sentence of predetermination. It’s actually the key to a level of free will you never knew existed.
But, let’s back up a little.
In case you’re new to Goddard’s teachings, it’s important to explain a thing or two about him first.

Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville Goddard was a well-known spiritual teacher and author, who made waves in personal development and metaphysical circles.
He wrote 15 books and gave numerous lectures during his life.
Neville’s teachings weren’t some wishy-washy “think positive” nonsense. He explored the Bible, Kabbalah, and many metaphysical concepts.
His focus was on providing people with practical ways to manifest their desires.
Basically, he said your imagination is the God-power within you, and whatever you assume to be true will harden into fact.
This means that our internal states, thoughts, and feelings shape the world around us.
Neville’s core teachings are:
Neville Goddard’s Take on Free Will

Neville thought that we as humans don’t have free will because we are governed by our subconscious mind.But, by using our imagination and feeling, we can choose a different state and then indirectly influence our subconscious mind. This is where our free will lies.
It’s that higher aspect within us, our God-self that has free will. It’s not the person or body we usually think we are.
The Autopilot Nature of Our Decisions
When we identify with a specific state of being (for example, feeling unloved, poor, or successful), we naturally begin to play the role associated with that state.
So, we don’t exercise free will in the conventional sense because we are bound by the characteristics and limitations of that state.
Our actions, thoughts, and experiences align with the state we occupy, and we will “play the role” that the state dictates.
Where True Free Will Resides
True free will arises when we identify with the God within – the divine aspect of ourselves that has the power to choose and create.
When we recognize our divine nature, we gain the ability to consciously choose the state we want to occupy.
This is where free will truly comes into play.
We can decide to embody a state of wealth, health, love, or success, regardless of our current circumstances.
Everyone is You Pushed Out
Once you consciously choose a state and persist in it (despite what your external reality may initially show), the external world will eventually mirror that state back to you.
This is because the outer world is “you pushed out” – a reflection of your inner state of consciousness.
Key Concepts in Neville Goddard’s Free Will Philosophy
Now that you know Neville Goddard’s unique take on free will, let’s see how his teachings relate to the concept of free will.
Creation is Finished – Free Will to Choose State

Neville Goddard taught that all possible realities already exist—basically, “creation is finished.”
This might sound like science fiction, but stick with me.
Our free will comes into play when we choose which of these states or realities we want to experience.
Imagine walking into an all-you-can-eat buffet of realities and picking the one you want.
The key is choosing your thoughts and feelings wisely because they shape your world.
Think of it like this:
You’re the director of your own mental movie. The sets might be predetermined, but you’ve got full control over the script, the emotions, and the entire vibe of your inner world.
And here’s the best part – this internal movie directly shapes your external reality.
Your free will hasn’t anything to do with choosing what to have for breakfast or which Netflix show to binge.
Nope, it’s choosing your internal state.
Imagination as Reality

According to Neville’s teachings, imagination is a full-sensory, feels-so-real-you-could-touch-it kind of deal.
In his world, your imagination isn’t just a cute little tool for passing time – it’s the very fabric of reality itself.
Neville Goddard saw imagination as a divine force within us, giving us total freedom. This power lets us go beyond the physical world and use our free will to create the lives we want.
By imagining our desires as already fulfilled, we can make them happen.
This act of imagination is where our true free will lies.
The Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption is a big deal in Neville’s teachings and is closely linked to his view on free will.
It states that whatever we assume to be true will manifest in our lives. Our assumptions, whether we’re aware of them or not, direct our actions and life events.
But here’s where you get to exercise your free will:
You get to choose what you assume.
You get to decide what mental diet you’re feeding yourself.
Are you binging on worst-case scenarios and pity parties? Or are you feasting on the assumption that you’re a badass manifestor living your best life?
We exercise free will by picking our assumptions. Once a thought is accepted and fueled by emotion, it starts to become reality.
This shows just how powerful our inner world can be! Your free will to choose your assumptions is infinite.
Free Will as Freedom of Choice
![Quote: The waking two-thirds of your life on earth ever corroborates or bears witness to your subconscious impressions. The actions and events of the day are effects; they are not causes. Free will is only freedom of choice. 'Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve' [Joshua 24:15] is your freedom to choose the kind of mood you assume, but the expression of the mood is the secret of the subconscious](
Neville made it clear that free will has nothing to do with controlling external events directly —sorry, no mind control here.
Instead, you need to choose your internal state.
To use the movie analogy again:
Your inner choices, like the mood you choose to be in or the beliefs you hold, are what shape the scenes of your life.
In the next section, we’ll explore how you can actually apply this mind-bending philosophy to your everyday life.
Meet Your Inner God: The Real You Behind the Curtain
Alright, remember that existential crisis I almost sent you into at the beginning of this post?
It’s time to turn that frown upside down.
We’re about to introduce you to the VIP in this whole free will talk: your higher self.
Discover Your Higher Self
Imagine for a second that you’re not just you.
I mean, sure, you’re sitting there reading this blog post, maybe sipping on some coffee.
But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
There’s a part of you that’s way bigger, way more powerful, and way more free than you ever realized.
This is your God-self.
No, I’m not talking about growing a beard and hurling lightning bolts (though how cool would that be?).
I’m talking about a part of you that’s connected to… well, everything.

Why Your Body is Just an Avatar in Life’s Game
- Your physical self? That’s your player character in the game of life.
- Your daily persona? That’s the role you’ve been method-acting so hard you forgot it was just a role.
- Your true self? It’s the player behind the controller, the consciousness behind the avatar.
This feels true, doesn’t it?
The Untapped Potential of Your God-self
Here’s where it gets interesting.
This higher self of yours?
It’s not bound by the same rules as your everyday mind. It doesn’t react to life — it creates it.
Imagine having admin access to the simulation of your life.
That’s your God-self.
It’s not controlling every little action (let’s face it, that would be exhausting).
It’s setting the course, choosing the game mode, deciding what kind of experience you need to have.
But here’s the million-dollar question:
If this all-powerful higher self exists, why aren’t we all walking around like masters of the universe?
The answer lies in the next section. We’re about to talk about the secret weapon that bridges the gap between your everyday self and your inner god: your imagination.

Why Imagination Is Your Secret Weapon for Reality Hacking
Remember when your teacher caught you daydreaming and said you’d never get anywhere with your head in the clouds?
Well, it’s time for some sweet vindication.
Forget everything you’ve been told about imagination being “just in your head.”
Your imaginal acts influence people and events!
Your imagination is the workshop where reality is forged. You are not fantasizing, you are creating.
- Imagination = The coding language of the universe
- Your mind = The terminal where you input the code
- Reality = The program that runs based on your input
Feeling Your Way to Your Desired Manifestation
Here’s the secret sauce:
The secret to effective imagination is to generate the feelings associated with your desired reality.
Want that promotion?
Don’t just picture yourself in the corner office. Feel the pride, the satisfaction, the excitement of stepping into that role.
Seeking love?
Don’t only imagine your specific person. Feel the warmth, the connection, the joy of being in that relationship.
It’s like emotional method acting, but instead of preparing for a role, you’re preparing for a new reality.
Exercises to Flex Your Mind Muscles
How to Warm Up and Activate Your Manifesting Powers:
Spend a few minutes a day living as if your desire is already fulfilled.
The goal here is to gradually get used to feeling your desired reality as real as possible.
Your desire must feel like the most natural outcome possible.
There are many ways to do this, but we’ll get into that later.
Techniques won’t work if you are just going through the motions.
Feeling really is the main ingredient.
For now, your job is to make a habit of it.
Feel it, breathe it, be it.
Immerse yourself in the fulfillment of your desire.
Remember, like any workout, consistency is key.
You wouldn’t expect to bench press 300 pounds after one gym session, right?
The same goes for reality hacking—it takes practice.
Still skeptical?
Perhaps you wonder:
Does all this imagination stuff actually change anything in the real world? Or is it just another self-help fantasy?
In the next section, I’ll explain how this imagination practice reprograms your subconscious mind and reality.
Reprogramming Your Mental Mainframe
Alright, it’s time to go deep. We’re talking Inception-level deep but without Leonardo DiCaprio. (Yes, it’s a movie reference.)
Remember, this is your movie. You are the main star here!
Why Brute-Forcing Your Subconscious is a No-Go
First things first: you can’t just walk up to your subconscious and demand changes. That’s like trying to update your computer’s operating system by yelling at the screen.
Your subconscious is like that friend who nods along to your advice but never actually follows it. It needs a subtler approach.
The Backdoor to Your Mental Operating System
Remember our imagination exercises?
That’s your backdoor.
Here’s how it works:
- Your conscious mind imagines a scenario.
- You amp up the feelings associated with that scenario.
- Your subconscious mind, which can’t distinguish between vivid imagination and reality, starts to accept this new “data.”
- Gradually, your subconscious aligns itself with this new “reality.”
- Your actions and perceptions in the real world start to shift.
It’s like installing a new program on your computer.
But instead of lines of code, you’re using images and emotions.
Real-life “Inception” Techniques That Actually Work
Ready to be a dream architect in your waking life?
Try these techniques:
The “Revision” Technique:
Before sleep, replay your day, but revise any negative events into positive ones. Feel the relief and joy of these new scenarios.The “I remember when” Method:
Speak about your desire as if it’s a past event. “I remember when I was struggling to pay rent. Now, financial abundance feels so natural.”The “Isn’t it wonderful” Practice:
Throughout your day, use this phrase to reinforce positive assumptions. “Isn’t it wonderful how opportunities keep coming my way?“The Mirror Manifestation Method:
Look in the mirror and see your future self. Say positive affirmation that implies your desire is fulfilled. For example:
“I am so grateful that I have manifested wealth and abundance into my life.”
Or “I am so happy with my specific person now.”
Say it like it’s true! Your body language and voice also communicate with your subconscious mind. Repeat it several times until you feel it real.The SATS Method:
As you fall asleep, imagine a short scene that implies your wish is fulfilled. Let it be the last thing on your mind as you drift off.
The key?
Consistency and feeling.
You’re not trying to fool your subconscious; you’re giving it new, compelling data to work with.
Your 7-Day Plan to Start Manifesting Desired Reality
Ready to dip your toes into reality architecture?
Here’s a week-long plan to get you started:
Day | Activity |
Day 1-2 | Choose one desire and spend 10 minutes each day vividly imagining it as already achieved. |
Day 3-4 | Practice the “Isn’t it Wonderful” technique throughout the day. |
Day 5-6 | Before bed, use the revision technique to reimagine your day positively. |
Day 7 | Reflect on any shifts in your thoughts, feelings, or external circumstances, no matter how small. |
Remember, this is a practice.
Like learning an instrument or a new language, it takes time and consistency. But unlike learning the accordion, this skill can literally reshape your reality.
Neville Goddard’s Free Will Concept: Main Takeaways
So, there you have it – Neville Goddard’s take on free will.
Main Takeaways:
- Most of us are puppets of our subconscious. We think we’re in control, but we’re simply reacting to programming we can’t even see.
- We’ve got a secret weapon – our imagination.
- By using our imagination and really feeling our desired outcomes, we can hack our subconscious. It’s like reprogramming the mainframe.
- This ability to choose our state – That’s our true free will. It’s not about controlling every little action, it’s about setting the course.
- The mindset shift: Stop identifying with your body or your day-to-day persona. That’s just the avatar. The real you, the one with the power, is something bigger.
- You’re not a person, you’re a creator. Tap into that higher self, and you can reshape your reality from the inside out.