The Bridge of Incidents: Manifesting Process Explained [Neville Goddard]
There’s so much more to manifestation than meets the eye. Have you ever noticed strange coincidences and synchronicities leading up to the fulfillment of your desires? This is what Neville Goddard called the “bridge of incidents.” Think about it: There is an unseen path that connects your current reality to the reality of your dreams. Would you like to discover it?
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What is the Bridge of Incidents, and Why Should You Care?
The term “bridge of incidents” was coined by Neville Goddard. It explains the unpredictable process inherent in the creation. There is a gap between where you are and where you want to go. The bridge of incidents is the series of events that fill that gap and lead you to your desired outcome.
Neville Goddard was, and is, the most influential teacher of the law of assumption to this day. He taught that imagination is God.
You are the Creator of your reality. Nothing exists outside of your awareness. Your outer world is only a reflection of your inner state.
You can manifest anything you want if you assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
You only need to focus on the end result and let your subconscious mind take care of the rest.
In fact:
The bridge of incidents is how the subconscious takes care of the rest.
Our physical reality literally rearranges itself to conform to our assumptions. It brings us what we want in ways that we could not have imagined or planned.
The Bridge of Incidents: A Non-Linear Process of Manifestation
The bridge of incidents refers to a series of seemingly unrelated events that ultimately lead you to your desired outcome. It’s not linear like most people believe manifestation works. Linear causation is based on cause and effect, action and reaction, problem, and solution.
Linear causation is an illusion created by our senses and our rational mind. It is not how reality really works.
Whether you’re manifesting love, new business, health, or spiritual growth, the bridge of incidents will show up in different ways. It could be an unexpected meeting, a sudden opportunity, or even a perceived setback that eventually leads you to your goal.
So, keep in mind that even some seemingly negative, undesirable events can be part of the bridge that will lead you to your desire.
The “bridge” of events doesn’t follow the logical causation that we are used to in the physical world. Instead, it unfolds in a synchronistic fashion, often in ways we could have never predicted or orchestrated ourselves. The key is to recognize these signs and trust the process. It is leading us towards our goal.

Common misconception when manifesting
Manifesting can be described as conscious creating. You’re envisioning the end result you want and setting a clear intention for it to happen.
One of the most common mistakes that people make is that they give causation to the events. They think that the events that happen along the way are the reason why their wish came true. So, they believe that they have to follow a certain plan or strategy to get what they want.
This is a misunderstanding of how manifesting works. Events are not the cause of your success; they are the effect of your imagination. That’s why you can’t really replicate other people’s success.
People will search for reasons to justify your success. As Neville said, you can tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it. However, chances are they won’t believe you. The only thing that matters is – do you know what’s true.
Successful manifesting is not a result of hard effort; but a metaphysical or spiritual process. It is not a matter of logic; it is a matter of faith. It is not a matter of action; it is a matter of being. So don’t give causation to it, justifying it with physical actions.
Of course, if you assume that you can manifest something only with hard work, it will come to fruition in that way. Manifesting always works according to your belief system.
To quote Neville:
“The cause is God, and God is invisible to the mortal eye.”
The real cause is invisible. It’s your imagination. All the events and circumstances leading to the fulfillment of your wish aren’t relevant at all.
How to Use the Bridge of Incidents to Unfold Your Dream Reality
To manifest what you want, you must create an inner reality that matches it. This means impressing your subconscious with your new positive beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. It also means living in the end result as if it were already true. That may take time.
Here are 7 tips you can take in order to reach the desired state faster and easier:
- Affirm or script: Write down or repeat statements that affirm your wish as if it were already true.
- Visualize: Imagine scenes that imply your wish as if it were already true.
- Practice meditation: Quiet your mind and focus on the emotion of your wish fulfilled.
- Be grateful: Express gratitude or appreciation for your wish as if it were already true.
- Practice detachment or letting go: Release any attachment or expectation about how or when your wish will happen.
- Revision technique: Change any negative memories or limiting beliefs that contradict your wish as if they never happened.
- Stay persistent: Do these techniques daily until they become habitual for you. You’ll see progress soon.
How to Trust the Unfolding Process of Manifestation and Avoid Doubt, Impatience, and Resistance
Perhaps you’ve been trying to manifest something for quite some time, with no results. Let’s address this.
One of the biggest challenges is trusting the unfolding process of manifestation and avoiding doubt, impatience, and resistance.
Doubt is when you question whether your desire will manifest or not. Impatience is when you want it to happen sooner than it does. Resistance is when you try to control or interfere with how it happens.
All these things are indications of fear and lack of faith. They are signs of not living in the end result as if it were already true.
Such behavior can be deeply rooted in your subconscious programming. Perhaps you aren’t even aware that you are doing it.
The solution is simple but not easy:
You have to practice being in the state of the wish fulfilled no matter what.
This means:
Being the person who already has your desire, even if you don’t feel like it in your current circumstances.
Staying in the state of having what you want, even if you don’t see any evidence or signs of it in your outer world.
You have to practice this state until it becomes natural and normal for you.
What if something unwanted happens, and kicks you out of the end state?
It doesn’t matter. You need to try again and persist.
That’s why we practice all the manifesting methods!
Trusting the process is crucial. Doubt, impatience, and resistance will only hinder your manifestation.
Practice the state of the wish fulfilled, and remember that the process is actively working in your favor. 🌟
How to Recognize and Appreciate the Bridge of Incidents
The series of events that occur to bring your wish to fruition can appear in many forms, such as:
- Coincidences or synchronicities: Events that seem random but are actually meaningful.
- Signs or symbols: Things that remind you of your end result.
- Opportunities or invitations: Things that open up new possibilities for you.
- Challenges or obstacles: Things that test your faith or push you out of your comfort zone.
- People or situations: Things that help you or hinder you along the way.
The challenge is recognizing and appreciating such events. When we’re impatient and anxious, we may miss these clues.
All these things are part of the chain of events that leads you to your end result. The key is to recognize them as such and appreciate them for what they are. They are not random or meaningless; they are orchestrated by your consciousness.
So remember to be flexible and open to new experiences. See these events as a gift. It is a way for the universe to show you that your wish is on its way.
Look for the connections between events and have fun discovering the path as it builds. The more you recognize these connections, the more magical and synchronistic your experiences will become.

The Bridge of Incidents: Cosmic Forces Are Working Behind the Scenes and Sending You Gifts
Understanding this concept will change the way you view reality and manifest what you want. You will develop trust in the unseen world and patience for the perfect unfolding of events.
The cosmic forces are working behind the scenes, aligning events to help you get what you want.
Remember, though, that the universe won’t necessarily serve everything on a silver platter; there might be some setbacks along the way. But that’s okay. What might feel like bad things happening is simply part of the journey, not the end result.
How Long It Takes for Wish to Manifest?
The truth is, there’s no set time frame. It might happen on the same day, or it may take some time for your dreams to materialize. It depends on many factors. For example, how willing you are to change, to sustain faith, and how quickly you can impress your subconscious with new thoughts and beliefs and recalibrate your mindset.
However, one thing that you should know is that there really is no delay. Your wish is manifested the moment you imagine it and feel it as if it were already true. The only delay is in your perception of it. You may not see it or experience it in your physical world right away, but it is already done.
You can’t see your wish right away, because you have to switch from your current reality to the one you desire. The more similar they are, the less time it may take for you to accept the new reality.
Remember, the possibilities are infinite. Your wish can come in ways that are currently unimaginable for you.
So, stay focused and practice techniques that help you get back into the end state. Your wish will manifest.
I’m here to support you on your journey. Feel free to comment below or ask any questions you may have! I’d love to hear about your experiences!