Neville Goddard: How to Use the Revision Technique to Change the Past
Do you wish you could change something unpleasant that happened in your life?
I bet you do, as I was there too. After all, it is common for us to be adversely affected by the things that happen in life. But, what if you could actually change such events from your past?
Well, since there is no limit to your manifestation power – you can. You can rewrite your past with the help of a technique called revision, which I will share with you in this post. Does that sound interesting?
If it does, keep reading!
Table of Content:
Revision is a manifestation technique that replaces an unpleasant event with something you wish had happened.Â
Take a moment to think about how powerful this is!
Imagine you had a big argument with someone at work. Perhaps, you asked for a raise, and your boss said no. Instead of reliving that event like people usually do, you can imagine a different outcome of that conversation, the outcome you would prefer instead.Â
If you can change your experience of a certain event in your mind, you can change the event itself.Â
Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher who lived in the 20th century. He taught that we have the power to create our own reality through the law of assumption. This law states that what we assume to be true will become our reality.Â
Essentially, our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences. Therefore, if we assume the feeling of our desired reality, we can attract it into our lives.
Neville taught that the key to manifesting our desires is to live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, as if it has already happened. By doing this, we align ourselves with our desires and manifest them into our lives.
What Is the Revision Technique According to Neville Goddard?
In his lecture “The Pruning Shears of Revision,” Neville Goddard teaches that we can change our current circumstances by revising our past. He explains that our past is not fixed and can be altered by the power of imagination.
The term “pruning shears” refers to the act of cutting away unwanted or negative thoughts and beliefs to create space for positive changes to occur.
Basically, you mentally change the outcome of the event to align it with your desired outcome.
This technique allows you to alter your past and create a new present and future.
We all have past negative experiences we wish we could go back and change. We may have said something we regretted, missed an opportunity, or made a mistake.Â
With this powerful technique, you can change anything you want, whether it took place a minute ago or decades ago.Â
Whatever the event was and whenever it happened – the process of revision remains the same.
Can You Really Change the Past with Revision?Â
It’s a common misconception that revision can only alter the perception of a negative event, not the event itself.Â
I would argue that.
When you alter only your perception of an event, you’re just conceptualizing it from a different angle.Â
In psychology, this process of altering perception is called reframing.Â
This is not the same as Neville Goddard’s revision technique, which goes much deeper than that!
If properly done, revision can actually change the event itself.Â
Yes, I know how crazy this sounds. But let me explain:
When the perception of a certain event changes, you remember it differently, and how you feel about it changes too.Â
If you’re even remotely familiar with Neville Goddard’s teachings, you know that consciousness is the only reality.Â
Your outer world only reflects your own consciousness. When you change your inner state of consciousness, you manifest a different reality.Â
That is the basic principle behind the manifestation.Â
The same principle applies to your past circumstances and events.
When you successfully revise – you change your state of consciousness. And when you change past events in your mind, the outer world must begin to reflect the “changed” past.Â
In other words, your new reality changes to reflect a different past.Â
As a conscious manifestor, you can influence your future and your past.Â
Does Science Support the Idea of Consciousness as Only Reality?Â
In short – yes!
There’s still a lot that has to be proven, but:
Some theories go hand in hand with the idea that consciousness is the only reality. Some even say we can change our past.Â
Scientists like acclaimed microbiologist Robert Lanza claim that the physical reality as we perceive it is created by our own minds.Â
According to Lanza and his associates, time and space are generated by observers.
However, this idea is not new at all. Â
It has been supported by countless scientists and philosophers throughout human history, and it’s gained popularity with the advance of science in modern times.Â
According to Lanza, this idea is being tested as we speak with the help of powerful computational algorithms. Further scientific explanations about how our reality works will soon be available.Â
Is it Possible to Change One’s Past According to Science?Â
The answer is a resounding yes.
Since the observer generates the structure of time and space, this theory further supports the idea that you can change your own past.Â
Let it sink in.
You create time.
If you find this hard to believe and need additional evidence, take into consideration how physics defines time:
It’s already proven through the theory of relativity that time does not exist as we know it. Even though our personal experience suggests otherwise, there is no such thing as the time that passes on at the exact same, constant pace for all of us.Â
Time is relative, which means:
The time is not absolute and unchanging but rather relative and dependent on the observer’s reference frame and motion.
In other words, time can appear to pass differently for observers who are moving at different speeds or in different gravitational fields. This effect is known as time dilation. It has been observed and measured in numerous experiments, such as the famous Hafele-Keating experiment, which proves that our experience of time is entirely subjective.Â
What is even more interesting:
Time travel is also possible based on the theory of relativity.Â
Furthermore, some scientific theories support the idea of parallel universes.
Based on them, a future event can cause a new, parallel universe copy of the past into existence.
So, according to this hypothesis, something you’re doing now literally changes the past.Â
All of this can still sound confusing, but don’t worry.Â
You don’t need to understand, or even know, the science that would explain how revision works in order to use it to manifest a different reality.Â
This applies to all manifestation techniques.Â
Just remember one thing:
Nothing in your physical world suggests that you can’t change the past.Â
So if someone claims it’s impossible, it’s only a belief, not a fact.Â
You truly are the creator of your reality – your future and your past.Â
Take a moment to truly absorb this.
Your entire life, you’ve believed that time and space are outside of you and out of your control.Â
It can be challenging to suddenly see yourself as the creator of time and space rather than as the subject of it.
If you’re still skeptical about it, I recommend you suspend your judgment until you try the revision technique.Â
Since I tested this technique enough times to know it works, I concluded through my experience that our past is just as malleable as our future. Â
If you immerse yourself in the metaphysical world and practice the methods suggested on this website, you’ll realize that too.Â
Personal experience is, after all, the best teacher.Â
When Could You Revise Your Past?Â
The revision technique is most effective when dealing with painful memories. Still, it can be utilized for various purposes daily.Â
Some common examples are:
- disagreement or unpleasant conversation with your boss, partner, friend, college, or anyone reallyÂ
- fight or a breakup with your specific person
- money problems
- physical injuries and other health issuesÂ
- childhood events
- various bad news
Basically, you can revise any event that upsets or displeases you in any way.
It would also be beneficial to revise all the recurring events that have impacted you negatively.
As a consequence of such events, you have most likely developed limiting beliefs.
For instance, if you had persisting money problems or complicated relationships growing up, revising them will benefit you tremendously.Â
To do this, you can list all the upsetting events from your past that come up.Â
Then you can revise them one by one.Â
When that’s out of the way, let’s see how you can use this technique to change past situations.
How to Change Your Past with the Revision Technique?Â
When you use your imagination to revise the past, you are essentially reprogramming your subconscious mind with a new set of memories that support your desired reality.
Our subconscious cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. So by reimagining our past, we are creating a new reality for ourselves. As we continue to reinforce these new memories, they become ingrained in our subconscious. Then our reality starts to reflect them.
As I’ve mentioned before:
The key to changing your past is to revise all those negative events that still have a hold over you.Â
You can also use it for the events of the day.
Here is my approach to revision that works for my clients and me:
#1 Pick one past event or circumstance you want to change
There are probably a few negative events from your past that occasionally pop up in your mind.Â
So pick one of them with less intense negative emotions attached to it.Â
For instance:
On a scale from 1 to 10 (one being the lowest emotional intensity and ten being the highest), pick something with an intensity of 3 or 4.Â
The reason I’m suggesting this:
Revisiting your past can be unpleasant. If you’re just starting to use revision, you can get overwhelmed with all those strong negative emotions. So, it’s better to start from an event with a lower emotional intensity and gradually progress as you improve the revision technique.Â
#2 Briefly review the event
Now it’s time to review the event.Â
You don’t need to relive it. Just observe it in a non-judgmental way.Â
Notice what you don’t like about it.Â
Would you like to change just a specific circumstance within the event?Â
Or the whole event entirely?Â
Bring those answers to your awareness.Â
#3 Get into a deeply relaxed stateÂ
Neville emphasized the importance of deep relaxation because it makes your subconscious mind more open to suggestions.
He called it the state akin to sleep or SATS.Â
Suppose you already practice relaxing in SATS, meditation, or deep breathing. You already know what to do in that case, so you can skip this step.Â
If not, don’t worry.
Learning how to relax your mind is easier than it seems:
- Just sit comfortably.
- Take a deep breath and close your eyes.Â
- Then focus on your breathing.
- Breathe deeply and evenly.
- Continue focusing on your breath until it feels naturally smooth and balanced.
That’s all you have to do!Â
You will automatically experience relaxation by breathing this way since it sends a signal straight to your mind to cool down and relax.
It may take a few minutes, so please stay patient.Â
A promising sign you’re relaxed enough is that your mind stops buzzing with thoughts – you can notice the absence of thought, emptiness, and silence.Â
#4 Revise the event
Once you are relaxed, use your imagination to rewrite the chosen event. See that event clearly in your mind – revise it.Â
Revise the event by imagining it in an ideal way.Â
Use all your physical senses.Â
Imagine the event as you would like it to have happened from the first-person point of view – as if you see it in front of you right now.
Imagine it as detailed and vivid as you can.
Bring the feeling of it – how would you feel if the event played out the way you’re seeing it now?
#5 Focus on the feeling of the revised event
Bring the feeling of the recreated event.
How would you feel if the event played out the way you see it now in your imagination?
Would you feel peaceful and fulfilled?Â
Maybe you would feel a deep sense of relief?Â
Immerse yourself in that feeling.Â
#6 Repeat until you believe it
Now play your revised version of the event over and over again.
Make it a part of your reality by repeating it.
Once you feel that this revised event feels like it has actually happened – it’s done!Â
With this technique, you can literally change the course of your life and create the life you want. So, start practicing and watch as your dreams become your reality.
Neville Goddard Revision: ConclusionÂ
The key to success with this is persistence.Â
Keep revising the same event until it feels natural and real.
You may need to reimagine the same event several times before it feels like it has truly changed.
Now you know how to use the power of revision. Use it to change past experiences and manifest the present and the future that you want.
It’s time to let go of negative thoughts and regret and start living the life you truly want!
November 30, 2023 @ 11:16 am
Thank you very much for sharing, I learned a lot from your article. Very cool. Thanks.