124 Law of Assumption SP Affirmations to Manifest Love With a Specific Person
Have you ever felt stuck in a situation where someone you like doesn’t reciprocate your feelings? If you have, then you know how frustrating it can be. Luckily, there is a way to change that. With the Law of Assumption SP affirmations, you can attract the love of a specific person.
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What Are Law of Assumption SP Affirmations?
Law of assumption SP affirmations are statements you repeat to yourself to manifest a specific person.
They are based on the law of assumption – a metaphysical principle that states that whatever you assume to be true must become your reality.
Using the law of assumption SP affirmations, you can align your beliefs with your desired outcome and effortlessly attract your SP.
In this article, I share a list of 124 law of assumption SP affirmations that you can use to manifest the relationship you desire.
I categorized them into 4 groups based on 12+ years of coaching experience helping people manifest their desired relationships. Each category represents a different phase you might be in with your special someone.
31 Law of Assumption Affirmations to Manifest a Specific Person to Fall in Love With You
This is the list of love affirmations to attract your SP to you and make them fall in love with you:
I am magnetic, and [SP’s name] is powerfully drawn to me.
[SP’s name] cherishes me and sees me as their ideal partner.
My positive energy attracts [SP’s name] ‘s love and affection.
I am thankful for all the love that I am receiving from [SP’s name].
[SP’s name] embraces me completely, loving everything about me.
[SP’s name] is attracted to the light within me and wants me in their life always.
I release any doubts and assume that [SP’s name] adores me completely.
[SP’s name] feels our unbreakable connection and wants to be with me forever.
I am enough. [SP’s name] loves me fully for who I am.
[SP’s name] only has eyes for me.
[SP’s name] feels enthralled by my presence and wants to be close to me.
My energy is irresistible to [SP’s name].
[SP’s name] appreciates all my unique quirks and qualities.
[SP’s name] is drawn to my inner and outer beauty and wants me.
My positive energy is a magnet for [SP’s name]’s unconditional love.
My heart is open and ready to receive [SP’s name]’s love.
[SP’s name] is mesmerized by the love in my heart and soul.
I am a magnetic force of love. [SP’s name] is pulled to me like a magnet.
[SP’s name] recognizes we are meant for each other and wants to commit to me.
I have an alluring aura that captivates [SP’s name] completely.
[SP’s name] cherishes all aspects of who I am, exactly as I am.
I am enveloped in light, which ignites [SP’s name]’s passion for me.
I am a magnet for passionate romance with [SP’s name].
I am worthy of an incredible love with [SP’s name]. It is manifesting now.
My vibe is magnetic. [SP’s name] is helplessly attracted to me now.
I feel grateful in advance for the passionate romance [SP’s name], and I will share.
Just as I am now, I am [SP’s name]’s ideal partner and soulmate.
[SP’s name] is consumed by their desire for my love.
[SP’s name] feels hopelessly drawn to the divine love within me.
[SP’s name] feels profound love for the real me, just as I am.
My authentic self is beautiful to [SP’s name]. They love me unconditionally.

31 Positive Affirmations to Attract a Specific Person Back to You
This is the list with powerful sp affirmations specifically designed to rekindle lost love! Ready for that?
Let’s go!
The best affirmations to attract a specific person back:
My connection with [SP’s name] transcends our time apart.
[SP’s name] feels called to reconnect with the love we share.
I am open and ready to welcome [SP’s name] back into my life.
[SP’s name] remembers the joy we had and wants me in their life again.
[SP’s name] is taking steps now to renew our relationship.
I release the past with compassion. [SP’s name] and I are moving forward in love.
My positive energy draws [SP’s name] back to me.
[SP’s name] is thankful to have me in their life.
[SP’s name] understands now that we are soulmates.
The universe is working to reunite me and [SP’s name] in perfect timing.
[SP’s name] craves my presence and feels our unbreakable bond.
[SP’s name] is realizing I am their ideal partner. We are destined to be together.
I know [SP’s name] is the one for me. I welcome them back with open arms.
[SP’s name] and I are ready to reconnect and build a deeper love than before.
[SP’s name] feels our soulful connection and is drawn back to me now.
I am open and receptive to [SP’s name] returning to me with love.
[SP’s name] is reminded daily of the joy we shared together.
Divine timing is bringing [SP’s name] back into my loving arms.
[SP’s name] seeks me out because I am their soulmate.
My heart is filled with compassion and welcome for [SP’s name]’s return.
I am manifesting a joyful reunion and deeper relationship with [SP’s name].
[SP’s name] feels guided to reconnect and rediscover our love.
My inner beauty pulls [SP’s name] back to me.
Positive energy surrounds me and [SP’s name] as we come back together.
[SP’s name] knows in their heart we are meant to share our lives.
I have faith [SP’s name] is coming back to me now better than ever.
Getting back together with [SP’s name] will be easy and effortless.
I forgive and release the past to make space for [SP’s name]’s return.
[SP’s name] seeks my forgiveness so we can renew our bond.
- I know [SP’s name] is my soulmate. We have an eternal connection.
The challenges [SP’s name] and I faced only made our love stronger.

31 Love Affirmations for a Specific Person to Commit to You
The list with powerful affirmations for total commitment:
[SP’s name] chooses me as their soulmate.
[SP’s name] falls deeply in love with me daily.
I love how cared for and secure I feel in this deeply committed relationship with [SP’s name].
I appreciate how [SP’s name] makes me feel so respected, attractive, and happy every single day.
[SP’s name] sees a bright future by my side.
I admire how patient, kind, and devoted [SP’s name] is to me in our growing relationship together.
[SP’s name] feels happiest and most complete when we’re together.
I cherish every moment that I get to share with my loving partner.
[SP’s name] is committed to our relationship and sees us having a long life together.
I feel confident in our strong emotional connection and know that [SP’s name] truly accepts me.
[SP’s name] finds me irresistibly attractive and wants to express their love for me often.
[SP’s name] loves all of my qualities and admires me endlessly.
I feel confident in our strong emotional connection and know that [SP’s name] truly accepts me.
[SP’s name] feels we have a profound soul connection that keeps us tightly bonded.
I am so grateful that [SP’s name] chose me and remains fully committed to loving me unconditionally.
[SP’s name] prioritizes making me feel loved, trusted, and cared for every single day.
[SP’s name] loves pampering me with affection, compliments, and quality time together.
I look forward to our bright future of romance, fun adventures, and intimacy with [SP’s name].
[SP’s name] is falling deeply in love with my mind, heart, and spirit.
[SP’s name] sees me as their perfect partner and best friend for life.
I feel deeply cared for, knowing that [SP’s name] is so compassionate, considerate, and faithful in how they treat me.
[SP’s name] wants to propose/take our relationship to the next level very soon.
I respect [SP’s name]’s thoughtful and dedicated efforts to strengthen our bond into an unbreakable one.
I feel so cared for.
[SP’s name] is passionate, romantic, and committed to me alone.
[SP’s name] loves me unconditionally and chooses to be with me every day.
[SP’s name] adores all my qualities and sees how amazing I am.
I glow inside, knowing that my happiness is [SP’s name]’s priority.
[SP’s name] frequently tells me how much they appreciate my talents, humor, kindness, and personality.
[SP’s name] brags to friends and family about how great I am.
[SP’s name] showers me with compliments to remind me how amazing I am.

31 SP Affirmations to Open Yourself to Love, Obtain It, and Keep It
This list is primarily focused on self-love and acceptance because that is the basis for all other forms of love.
31 law of assumption SP affirmations to help you manifest everlasting love in all shapes and forms:
- All parts of who I am deserve to be loved.
- I am worthy of happiness and fulfillment.
- I feel confident and at peace with who I am.
- I am an attractive and deserving partner.
- I embrace love.
- My romantic ideals gently guide me to healthy relationships.
- I welcome a fulfilling partnership into my life.
- I am enough, just as I am.
- My life gets better because I actively love myself.
- I am worthy of [SP’s name]’s total acceptance and love, just as I am.
- I am beautiful/handsome inside and out.
- I speak to myself with kindness, empathy, and compassion.
- Expressing gratitude daily strengthens the bonds of love in my life.
- I nurture strong self-esteem through positive self-talk and self-care.
- My commitment to personal growth nurtures our growing love.
- Trusting fully in the goodness of our connection sets me free.
- I show up as my authentic, caring self in order to attract like-minded partners.
- Expressing my values invites admirers effortlessly into my experience.
- I keep an open and trusting attitude.
- I feel so loved and wanted.
- My energy is magnetic.
- I radiate confidence from loving my authentic self completely.
- Every aspect of my character has value and the right to feel cherished.
- I am a whole and complete person who deserves to experience joy.
- Inner serenity comes from embracing all parts of my nature with compassion.
- I feel fulfilled and optimistic because I honor my worthiness on a daily basis.
- Loving who I am attracts others who see my greatness, too.
- I accept and appreciate myself fully for the one-of-a-kind individual that I am.
- I proudly bring my complete package to relationships as a value-added partner.
- I recognize my right to feel at ease in my own skin and share space with others as an equal.
- Calm self-acceptance allows me to engage fully as my best self in all areas of life.

How to Use the Law of Assumption Specific Person Affirmations
Using the law of assumption SP affirmations is easy and fun. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:
Step | Description | Example | |
1 | Choose an affirmation | Pick a positive, present tense, and specific statement that reflects your desired outcome with your SP. | “[SP’s name] loves me unconditionally.” |
2 | Repeat the affirmation | Say the affirmation to yourself as often as possible, either out loud, in your mind, or in writing. | Repeat it 5 times every night before sleep. |
3 | Feel the emotion | Imagine how you would feel if your affirmation was already true. | Happy, grateful, and loved. |
4 | Let go of the outcome | Don’t think about the outcome. Trust the universe and enjoy the process. | Don’t stress when or how [SP’s name] will show you their love. Know that it’s already done. |
Can You Really Make That Special Someone Fall in Love with You Using Affirmations?
Yes. The law of assumption SP affirmations are based on the premise that others always reflect your inner world. They are you pushed out. This means that whatever you think, feel, and believe about yourself and your SP will influence their behavior and actions towards you.
The Law of Assumption
The law of assumption is a term first used by Neville Goddard.
Neville Goddard was a lecturer and author back in the mid-20th century. He taught that assuming the state of your wish fulfilled is the key to manifesting your desires.
That’s why, if you want to manifest your SP, you must assume that you already have and act from that state of mind.
If that resonates, perhaps you’ll want to read this next:
Law of Assumption Specific Person: How to Manifest a Specific Person
How to Implement Law of Assumption SP Affirmations in Your Daily Life
The Law of Assumption SP affirmations are based on a simple concept. Still, it may be challenging to put into practice. Here are 5 tips for successful manifestation:
Create a Consistent Practice
Find a time each day to practice your SP affirmations. It could be in the morning, before sleep, or during your lunch break. The key is to make it a consistent part of your day, so it becomes a habit. Choose a place where you can focus.
Write Down Your Affirmations
Writing down your affirmations for love is an excellent way to solidify them in your mind. Be specific and use powerful, positive language.
Repetition is vital. Repeat your affirmations as many times as you need to until you believe them to be true. Feel the emotions of having your wish fulfilled, and visualize yourself in a loving relationship with your special person. Repetition will help you to embody the state of your wish fulfilled.
Stay Focused and Aligned
It’s essential to stay focused and aligned with your desired outcome. Avoid negative self-talk or doubt, and trust that the universe is working in your favor. Use visualization techniques to reinforce your affirmations and stay connected to your desires. Remember, your beliefs and expectations shape your reality.
Track Your Progress
Keeping track of your progress is an awesome motivator. It will help you stay on track. Use a spreadsheet or tracker to log your daily affirmations and record any changes or manifestations you experience. Celebrate each small victory as a step towards your ultimate goal.
Law of Assumption SP Affirmations: Conclusion
When it comes to manifesting a specific person into your life, SP affirmations are a powerful tool in your arsenal. They are designed to align you with your desired outcome and help you attract love.
So, start practicing Law of Assumption SP affirmations and see the wonderful changes that come your way. It takes practice and commitment, but it’s worth it.
Wish you all the best on your journey to manifest love with your specific person. 💞
Need law of assumption affirmations for other areas of your life? Check out this post.
Law of Assumption SP Affirmations: FAQs
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