How to Use the Law of Assumption to Manifest Your Desires
Are you on a journey to manifest your dreams into life but feel discouraged and doubtful in your attempts to manifest your desires? In case you are, you should definitely learn how to manifest with the law of assumption. I am a big proponent of it because it’s incredibly impactful and easy to use.
If you are interested in manifesting, you’ve probably already heard about it and might be wondering how you can use the law of assumption to manifest what you want. This step-by-step guide will show you how to get your desired outcome using the law of assumption.
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The Law of Assumption
I’ve been using the law of assumption to manifest my desires for quite some time, and it has truly changed my life tremendously. If you follow this guide, it will do the same for you too. I am sure of it.
Firstly, let’s clarify what the assumption is.
According to the Cambridge dictionary:
Assumption noun (BELIEF)
“something that you accept as true without question or proof”
In other words, “to assume” means to believe in something even without proof.
The law of assumption states that what you assume to be true will manifest. It must happen because it’s the law.
Your only job is to assume that your desire has already been fulfilled.
We’ll discuss soon what that really means.
The law of assumption was introduced to the world by author and philosopher Neville Goddard. It is the core concept in Goddard’s teachings.
A Quick Introduction to Neville Goddard and His Teachings
Neville Lancelot Goddard (February 19, 1905 – October 1, 1972) was a new thought author, philosopher, and mystic who taught the principles of manifestation.
In his teachings, he states that we can create our reality by assuming the feeling of a wish fulfilled. That is why this principle is called the law of assumption.
Throughout his career, Neville wrote fifteen books and held many lectures. As a result of his teachings, the law of assumption became widely known.
How Does the Law of Assumption Work?
Simply put, everything you experience is predetermined by your assumptions – how you are treated, the person you date, your health, your looks, your job, how much money you have, and so on.
Everything is first just an assumption and exists solely in your imagination. It is how each thing that exists today is created.
For example, this device you are reading this on was first imagined in someone’s mind. Then it became a reality. The same goes for all other things, circumstances and experiences.
The only difference is that people are primarily unconscious of what they’re assuming, even though those unconscious assumptions influence their behaviors.
So, the point is – there is no such thing as a “coincidence.”
Everything happens because of the assumptions you make.
The external world is a projection of your consciousness. Therefore your assumptions about the world shape your entire experience.
The good news:
You can impress your subconscious with ANY assumption you want! You can change anything about yourself and your life through the power of assumption.
In essence, it works like this:
If you assume you already have your desire in your imagination and persist in it until it becomes your dominant feeling, the fulfillment of your desire in your physical reality is inevitable. When your internal state changes, your external world must change to match it.

Cool right?
So, that brings up an important question:
Are you READY to create new assumptions that will allow you to FINALLY experience your desires come true?
If your answer is YES, let’s continue.
Use the Law of Assumption Manifestation Method to Create The Life of Your Dreams
This is the original method as described in Neville’s books. If you search for it online, you will find dozens of suggestions on “how to apply the law of assumption in 3 steps” or something similar.
Usually, there are some essential parts of the original method that are missing in those articles. Skipping those steps can hinder your desire.
That is why I don’t want to over-simplify this process. I divided it into 5 steps:
1) Define what you want
The process of manifesting begins with defining what you truly desire.
So, don’t be afraid to get crystal clear and specific about what you want. Clarity is the key to success.
What do you truly desire?
- Is it a relationship with your specific person?
- Or a great relationship with someone new?
- Perfect health?
- Or a stunning physical appearance??
- A successful career?
- Or, perhaps, wealth?
I highly suggest that you write your answer down. If you have more desires you would like to manifest – choose one desire at a time. Once you learn the process, you can easily repeat it.
2) Create a mental image of it
Now, imagine that you already have what you want:
- that great relationship,
- perfect health,
- a successful career,
- or whatever it is that you desire.
What does that end result look like? Picture yourself already having it.
Remember: Imagination is everything.
You want to imagine what you would genuinely be experiencing if you already had that thing you want. Like it has already happened.
Assume that you have it. Don’t let your doubts get in the way. Instead, focus on that mental image of your desire as if it is already yours.
See it from the first-person perspective – through your own eyes, not as someone else observing.
Don’t stop there. Engage all of your physical senses – what do you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste? You can write down those answers too.
Keep in mind:
Your mental image doesn’t have to be perfect. If you’re having trouble visualizing, just focus more on your other senses. For instance, you can imagine that you’re talking about it with a friend. Hear them congratulating you on your accomplishment.
Just give your best to describe it as vividly and in as much detail as possible.
3) Get into a relaxed state
This part is often excluded from most online explanations about Neville’s method. Neville stressed the importance of getting into a state akin to sleep to successfully visualize your desire. The state akin to sleep is a state in which you feel deeply relaxed, but still in control of your thoughts.
Because the rational part of your mind is not engaged in this relaxed state, your subconscious mind is most open to suggestions. You can then easily impress it with your desire.
Basically, your subconscious can’t really tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. So, if you start imagining your desire has already been fulfilled, in this deeply relaxed state – your mind will believe it’s real.

In case you’re not familiar with any relaxation techniques, you can follow these simple instructions to relax:
- Get into a comfortable position.
- Take a deep, slow breath and close your eyes.
- Continue breathing deeply.
- Put your attention on your breath.
- Keep focusing on your breath until it feels even and rhythmic.
That’s literally all you have to do. This way of breathing calms the mind and naturally induces relaxation because it sends the message directly to your brain to calm down and relax.
Then, as you fall into relaxation, focus on your mental image.
4) Assume the feeling of your desire fulfilled
Once you’ve achieved this deeply relaxed state with the specific mental image in mind, it’s time to assume the feeling that your desire has been fulfilled.
You don’t have to feel strong positive emotions.
For me, it’s mostly about feeling profound inner certainty that what I want is already mine. That felt sense of certainty is the key ingredient in my successful manifestations.

So, how would you feel if you had your desire?
- Joyful?
- Peaceful?
- Loved?
- Free?
- Secure?
- Confident?
- Or, perhaps, you would feel so relieved?
Use your imagination to evoke that feeling of your desire fulfilled.
Focus on that feeling. Allow yourself to feel it. You need to experience it as if it’s already done.
Embody that feeling.
Your subconscious cannot distinguish reality from your imagination. In other words, it presumes that what you think and feel is true.
5) Persist until you get your desired manifestation
When it comes to impressing your subconscious mind with your desired outcome, it may take some time.
Most likely, it won’t be enough to do it once and get your desire. It requires persistence and repetition. But, persisting in your assumption will make the feeling of your wish fulfilled your natural dominant state. So remember this step!

How Do You Persist in Your Assumption?
Once you have completed all the previously mentioned steps, there is no need to go through all of them every time. Instead, just repeat this process daily:
- Relax deeply and bring your mental image to life as vividly as you can.
- Experience it as already done and assume the state of your desire fulfilled.
Keep in mind:
You need to saturate your mind with it until it becomes your natural state. Then, as long as you stick with it, you will definitely experience the desired results.
If you practice the law of assumption regularly, you can change negative outcomes and create the life you desire.
Law of Assumption Affirmations
Another way to impress your mind with your assumptions is simply by affirming them.
The technique I have described above is very potent. But, if you do it once a day and then think the same negative thoughts all day long, you can undermine all your efforts.
Neville Goddard has also emphasized the importance of a proper mental diet. Affirmations can help you improve it.
For the best results, I suggest combining the visualization technique with a few positive affirmations that you can repeat throughout the day.
Affirmations are consciously chosen thoughts that affirm that you already have what you want. They can help you to transform your limiting beliefs and manifest your desire faster.
Here are some examples that you can use:
- I manifest everything I want effortlessly and easily.
- Manifestation of my desire is inevitable.
- I accept and receive _______________(love/health/ wealth/unexpected money/attention from my specific person/your wish)
- __________________________(Love/Health/Wealth/Your wish) is openly flowing into my life
- I love that I feel so ________________(beautiful/abundant/healthy/wealthy/cherished/ chosen)
- I love that I have _____________________(love/wealth/health/your wish)
Don’t worry if you feel some resistance while you’re repeating your affirmations. It’s pretty common. While affirming, imagine that you already are that version of yourself that has what you want. The more you get into it, the less resistance you’ll feel.
How Is The Law of Assumption Different From The Law of Attraction?
Undoubtedly the most famous universal law in the manifestation community is the law of attraction. So some people get confused when they first hear about the law of assumption and wonder how it differs from the law of attraction.
This is how I understand it:
The law of attraction is mainly focused on energy, and it interprets the way manifesting works through the lens of energy. The basic principle behind it is that like attracts like.
Your thoughts and feelings emit a specific frequency and attract outcomes in your life that are the energetic equivalent of that frequency.
The law of assumption explains manifestation from the perspective of the mind. It doesn’t speak in terms of energy and frequency – it focuses solely on the power of your mind.
According to the law of assumption, what your mind believes to be true creates your reality. Therefore, when you change your state of mind, your external reality must reflect that change.
As you can see, they are very similar concepts that describe the same principles. They are both derived from the hermetic philosophy.
In my opinion, you should consider them both, especially if you want a bigger picture of how manifesting works. They work well together.
So, try them out and see what works best for you.
Is the Law of Assumption Real?
Now, you might be wondering if the law of assumption is the real deal. Can we really just assume what we want to manifest to be true and get it?
Yes, it is real.
In fact, many scientists today claim that the physical reality as we perceive it is created by our own minds. For instance, a scientific branch called Biocentrism supports the idea that our external world is simply a projection of our consciousness.
In case you’re still doubtful if the law of assumption is real, you can just test it for yourself. Simply observe how your assumptions (your inner talk) correspond to the events in your life.
Eventually, you will see the connection.
Manifest With the Law of Assumption Final Thoughts
The law of assumption can help you to manifest anything you want. This includes manifesting love, money, or any other physical manifestation.
To change your current reality, you must assume you have already achieved your desire.
The law of assumption focuses on the idea that your entire experience of the world is a projection of your internal consciousness. Nothing exists outside of your own consciousness.
Therefore, to manifest what you want, you must change your internal state. Then your external reality must change along with it.
So, let go of disbelief and limiting beliefs and allow yourself to believe in the idea that what you want is already yours.
Ready to Manifest Your Dreams?
If you give it a try, this step-by-step process can take your manifesting skills to the next level. The main takeaway is that it helps you to embody the state of already having what you want. That state is the essence of every successful manifestation.
Now you have all the basics of how the law of assumption works. Use them to create your desired reality.
You are ready to manifest your desires.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with manifesting your desires using the law of assumption, contact me here.
April 29, 2024 @ 4:11 am
I am so glad that I found this site. I have been trying to put the technique of the law of assumption into practice, but could not understand how. Thank you.
April 30, 2024 @ 10:17 am
I’m thrilled to hear that you’ve found the site helpful! The law of assumption can be a bit tricky to grasp at first, but I’m glad you’re giving it a go. It’s about believing and persisting in the outcome you desire as if it’s already yours. Keep practicing, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.