How to Manifest for Someone Else [Even if They Don’t Believe in the “Woo Woo” Stuff]
Have you ever wished you could help someone you love achieve their dreams? Maybe you have a friend who is struggling with their health or a family member who is looking for a new job. You want to support them, but you feel discouraged and powerless. Then you should know – you can manifest for someone else a new reality. You have a secret superpower that can radically and profoundly change someone else’s life. This may sound outrageous, but by following a few simple steps, you can give the ultimate gift – you can help transform another person’s destiny.
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Is it Really Possible to Manifest for Others?
Yes! You can actually use your imagination and feelings to create positive changes in the lives of the people you love and care about.
How amazing is that?
The focused intention has been proven to influence events and outcomes. The power of visualization and manifestation is real.
In fact, our perception of others and our expectations of them influence others all the time. However, it’s mostly happening on the unconscious level.
But before we dive into the details, let me tell you why I’m so passionate about this topic.
I’m a manifestation coach and a metaphysical writer. I’ve been actively studying and practicing the art of manifestation for over 15 years, and I’ve helped hundreds of people manifest their dreams.
One of the things that I love the most about manifestation is that it’s not only about me. It’s also about helping others and making the world a better place.
That’s why I’m always looking for ways to use my manifestation skills to benefit others, especially those willing to work on themselves.
Can You Manifest Someone to Change?
Yes. You can change the personality and behavior of someone else by changing your own concept of them and assuming the best for them.
We are all connected by the universal consciousness. So, if you desire someone to change, imagine them the way you want them to be.
By doing this, you are creating a mental image and a feeling that will act as a seed for manifestation. You are also sending good energy to the other person, which will help them attract the same result.
However, you should be mindful of their personal choices and wishes too.
Tips to Manifest Good Things for Others
Define what you want for them.
Think of a specific and positive outcome that you want to manifest for someone else. It could be something related to their health, wealth, love, happiness, or anything else that benefits them. Make sure it is something that they also want and is in alignment with their highest good and the highest good of all. For example, you may desire to manifest a promotion for your friend who is working hard at their job.
Visualize and feel as if they already have it.
Use your imagination to create a vivid and realistic picture of their desired outcome. By doing this, you are consciously utilizing universal laws. You may imagine your friend receiving the news of their promotion and celebrating with joy and gratitude.
Affirm and declare their desire as if it is already true.
Use positive and present tense statements to affirm their desire, such as “X (person’s name) is happy and successful,” “X has a great career,” “X has appreciated and rewarded,” etc. Say these affirmations with conviction and confidence. This will program your subconscious mind to accept their desire as true. It will also influence their subconscious mind.
Send them love and positive energy.
Use your intention and emotion to send them love and positive energy from your heart. Imagine that you are wrapping them in a warm and bright light that fills them with joy and peace. Feel the connection between you and them, and wish them all the best. This will raise their vibration (and yours) and attract more love and positivity into both your lives.
Need more instructions?
Keep reading!
We’ll cover some of the manifestation techniques extensively.
Techniques to Manifest for Someone Else
One of the best ways to help others manifest their desires is visualization.
By visualizing the good thing that you want for someone else as if it has already happened, you are creating a mental image that will act as a seed for manifestation.
We are also aligning ourselves with the feeling of our wish fulfilled, which will attract more of the same.
Let’s stick to the example of wanting to manifest a job for someone.
In that case, you would visualize that you are congratulating them on their success.
Your visualization should imply that the desire you are manifesting for the other person has already been fulfilled.
You can also add details such as their expression, voice, clothes, etc. The more vivid and realistic you make the scene, the more effective it will be.
So, don’t forget to add emotion to the scene by feeling happy and proud of them.
The visualization technique is very simple and easy to use.
The Visualization Technique Step-by-Step
Choose something you want to manifest for someone else.
It can be something related to their career, health, relationships, finances, hobbies, etc. The important thing is that it is something that you want for their benefit and happiness.
Relax your body and mind.
You can do this by breathing deeply, meditating, listening to soothing music, or whatever works for you. The goal is to reach a state of calmness and receptivity.
Imagine a scene that implies that your wish for them has been fulfilled.
You can do this by using the first-person or the third-person perspective. For example, you can imagine that you are talking to them on the phone or meeting them in person and congratulating them on their job or promotion. Or you can imagine that you are watching them from a distance and seeing them happy and successful. Choose whatever feels more natural and comfortable for you.
Feel the reality of your visualization.
Use all your senses to make it as real as possible: see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, taste it. Feel the emotions that you would feel if it were true: joy, gratitude, love, etc.
Repeat this process until you feel satisfied with your visualization.
You can do this as often as you want until you feel that your visualization has become a fact in your mind.
Let go and trust the process.
Once you have visualized the good thing for someone else to your satisfaction, release it from your mind and let it go. Don’t worry about how or when it will manifest. Just trust that it will happen in the best possible way for you and the other person.
The Visualization Technique Step-by-Step | Example | |
1 | Choose something you want to manifest for someone else. | You want your friend to get a promotion at work. |
2 | Relax your body and mind. | Breathe deeply and listen to some relaxing music. |
3 | Imagine a scene that implies that your wish for them has been fulfilled. | Imagine that you are meeting your friend, and they tell you that they got the promotion. |
4 | Feel the reality of your visualization. | See their happy face, hear their excited voice, feel their hug, etc. |
5 | Repeat this process until you feel satisfied with your visualization. | Do this several times until you feel that your friend’s promotion is a done deal. |
6 | Let go and trust the process. | Release your visualization from your mind and let it go. Trust that it will happen in the best possible way. |
The Revision Technique
Another way you can manifest for other people is Neville Goddard’s technique of revision.
Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who lived in the 20th century. He was one of the pioneers of the New Thought movement, which teaches that our thoughts create our reality.
The revision technique is based on the idea that we can change the past by changing our memory of it.
You see, our past is not fixed but fluid, and we can alter it by using our imagination. In case this sounds a bit too strange for you, don’t worry. You don’t need to believe in this theory; just do the technique.
By revising a past event that was unpleasant or undesirable for someone else, you can change its outcome and create a new reality for them.
The revision technique isn’t as complicated as it sounds. It involves only one additional step than the regular visualization.
Revision in 7 Steps to:
Choose an event that you want to revise for someone else.
It can be something recent or something from the past. Big or something small, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that it is something that you want to change for their benefit.
Relax your body and mind.
To achieve a state of calmness and receptivity, Neville recommends doing this in a state akin to sleep. It’s a state where you’re deeply relaxed but still in control of your thoughts. However, this is optional. You can also practice deep breathing, meditation, or listening to soothing music to enter a more relaxed state. The important thing is to find what works best for you.
Recall the event in your mind.
Try to remember all the details: what happened, who was involved, how did it make you feel, etc.
Change the event in your imagination to suit your wish.
Imagine that everything went differently: what would have happened instead, who would have been involved, and how would it make you feel?
Feel the reality of your revised version.
Use all your senses to make it as real as possible: see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, taste it. Feel the emotions that you would feel if it were true: joy, gratitude, love, etc.
Repeat this process until you feel satisfied with your revision.
You can do this as many times as you want until you feel that your revision has become a fact in your mind.
Let go and trust the process.
Once you have revised the event to your satisfaction, release it from your mind and let it go. Let go of any attachment to the outcome. Don’t worry about how or when it will manifest. Just trust that it will happen in the best possible way for you and the other person.
7 Steps of the Revision Technique | Example | |
1 | Choose an event that you want to revise for someone else | You want to revise the event when your friend was rejected for the promotion. |
2 | Relax your body and mind | Breathe deeply and relax. You can also try out the SATS technique to get into a deep state of relaxation. |
3 | Recall the event in your mind | Briefly remember how you heard about it from your friend. What happened, who was involved, and how did it make your friend feel? How did you react when you heard about this? |
4 | Change the event in your imagination to suit your wish | Imagine that your friend was accepted for the promotion. Perhaps you are planning to celebrate it together. |
5 | Feel the reality of your revised version | Hear your friend’s cheerful voice, see them smiling, etc. Feel the emotions that you would feel if it were true: joy, gratitude, love, etc. |
6 | Repeat this process until you feel satisfied with your revision | Do this several times until you feel that your friend’s rejection never happened. |
7 | Let go and trust the process | Release your revision from your mind. Let go of any attachment to the outcome. Trust that it will happen in the best possible way for your friend. |
That’s it! That’s how you use the revision technique to manifest for someone else.
Manifest Things for Someone Else: Examples
You can use these techniques for any situation that you want to improve for someone else, such as:
- Healing their physical or emotional pain,
- Attracting something they want to them,
- Helping them manifest a job, a partner,
- Manifesting a new car, home, or other material things for them,
- Supporting them in achieving their goals or dreams,
- Solving their problems or challenges,
- Enhancing their happiness or well-being,
- Etc.
The possibilities are endless!
What if the Person’s Free Will Goes Against What I’m Trying to Manifest for Them?
The question of the limits of free will is a complex and controversial one. Different philosophical, religious, and scientific perspectives have different answers. While I have a strong interest in this particular topic, we won’t be delving into it today.
For the purpose of this blog post, this is what you need to remember:
You cannot override another person’s free will. You can only manifest opportunities and open doors for them.
Whether they choose to walk through is up to them.
Can You Manifest for Others With the Law of Attraction Too?
In this post, we focused more on manifesting with the law of assumption. However, you can also manifest for another person using the law of attraction. It’s a very similar concept to Neville Goddard’s teachings.
Actually, whenever we successfully manifest something, we activate both of these metaphysical laws. If you’re interested in this topic, I suggest you read this post.
The law of attraction also works from the inside out. This means that your inner state attracts circumstances that are compatible with it.
How Can You Manifest Love for Someone Else?
You can manifest love for someone else as long as you align yourself with their desires and intentions. So, make sure that they truly want love before you interfere.
Perhaps you have a friend who is single, and you want to help them. Here are 5 steps to follow if you want to manifest love for them:
Define a specific outcome you want for your friend.
For example, finding a compatible partner, having a healthy relationship, or getting married. Make sure that it is something that they also want and that it is in alignment with their highest good.
Imagine as if they already have their desired love.
Immerse yourself in your imagination and form a vivid, lifelike mental image of the desired outcome. Picture their joyous union with the person of their dreams.
Feel the reality of your visualization.
Engage all your senses and feel the emotions that you would feel if it were true: happiness, gratitude, love, etc.
Remember to repeat your scene a few times. It needs to sink into your subconscious.
Let go of the outcome.
Once you’ve rehearsed the scene enough, you can let it go.
Of course, this is just one example. Choose a manifesting method that resonates with you.
Looking to attract someone’s love towards you?
In that case, you might want to read these posts:
- How to Manifest Someone to Like You, Even If You Feel Like Giving Up [Specific Person]
- Law of Assumption: How to Manifest a Specific Person (SP)
Image Source Unsplash
Can You Manifest for a Child?
Yes, everything that we said about manifesting for someone else also works for children.
However, if you desire to manifest for your child, that can be a bit tricky.
Here’s why:
Let’s say that you desire better grades for your child.
One challenge to this manifestation is having limiting beliefs about your child. For example, perceiving them as unmotivated or undisciplined. These beliefs can block or delay your manifestation.
Another challenge of manifesting for your child is that you may have attachment or resistance to the outcome that can also interfere with your manifestation. For example, you may be too anxious, worried, or desperate about your child’s grades.
So, you might need to work on yourself too, before you can manifest positive things for them.
Does Manifestation for Someone Always Work?
There are some limitations and challenges when it comes to manifesting for someone else. Some of them are:
- You cannot manifest for them if they’re not open to receiving it. As I said before, you have to be mindful of their desires and choice of experience.
- You might encounter resistance or obstacles along the way. Most of them are your own negative thoughts, feelings, or beliefs that contradict your manifestation.
- You may also face external challenges or opposition from others who do not share your vision. To overcome these challenges, you need to stay positive and persistent.
Bear in mind
Not everyone can manifest good things for others. It requires a high level of empathy and compassion. You need to feel and understand what they are going through.
Empathy is a huge advantage when it comes to manifesting for others. You can use it to connect with the person you desire to manifest for and influence their reality.
Also, you need to persist in your desire to help someone else despite what your physical senses are telling you. This is not always easy.
On your journey, you may also experience guilt, doubt, or fear when trying to manifest something for someone else. If you doubt yourself or them, then you won’t be able to manifest for them.
So, have faith in yourself and in the power of your imagination.
Can You Manifest Something Bad for Others?
In theory, yes. But here’s the twist: The intention you put out is like a boomerang—it circles right back to you.
Here’s why:
Imagine you’re trying to manifest something not-so-nice for another person. For example, what if you used the visualization technique, but for, let’s say, Susan, who you secretly think deserves a bit of cosmic comeuppance?
Can you manifest a flat tire for her on her way to work?
Hold up, manifestor! Time for a reality check. If you’re aiming bad vibes at Susan, guess what?
You’re sending those vibes right into your own energy field. Remember, manifestation works on wavelengths that resonate with your intentions, vibes, and emotions.
Think about that.
If you’re trying to bring chaos into another person’s life, your own energy gets a chaotic makeover. And you’re polluting your own consciousness, too.
Trust me, you’re way too fabulous for that.
So, next time you catch yourself dreaming up a little cosmic mischief, ask yourself: Is this the energy I want coming back to me?
How Long Does It Take to Manifest Something for Someone Else?
You might be wondering how long does this manifestation process take.
Changes could happen quickly, but more often, they unfold gradually over weeks or months.
So be patient and trust in the energetic shifts taking place behind the scenes.
Your role is to continue visualizing, intending, and “holding the space” for their new reality to weave itself into being.
With an open heart and mind, you can gift another person a life-changing transformation.
You have the power to manifest miracles for others.
Will you accept the call?