Manifesting Relationships: Get Rid Of a Third Party Manifestation
Navigating relationships involves challenges, and one of the most delicate situations arises when a third party becomes entangled. Today, we delve into strategies to manage and overcome such scenarios. I’ll show you how to deal with a third party manifestation and manifest a harmonious relationship.
What Is a Third Party Manifestation?
Third party manifestation usually involves the unintentional and unconscious creation of circumstances where another person affects your relationship with your specific person, leading to feelings of insecurity and jealousy.
For example, you may manifest someone who tries to seduce or steal your SP away from you.
Understanding the Dynamics of Manifesting a Third Party Into Your Life
The truth is third party manifestation is a reflection of your own beliefs, fears, and insecurities.
You are the creator of your own reality, and everything that shows up in your experience is a result of your thoughts, feelings, and expectations. If you believe that there is competition, scarcity, or lack in the love department, you will manifest evidence of that.
Luckily, there is a way to get rid of the 3rd party and manifest true love with the person you want.

The Law of Assumption
The law of assumption is a principle that states that whatever we assume to be true becomes true for us. It means that our assumptions shape our reality and determine what we experience.
The law of assumption was introduced by Neville Goddard, a spiritual teacher and author. He taught that by feeling as if our wishes have already come true, we can bring them into reality.
So, if you assume that you are in a happy and committed relationship with your specific person, you create a state of consciousness of being in that relationship. Eventually, your outer world will rearrange itself to match that state.
However, this law also works in the opposite way.
Suppose you assume that you are not good enough for your SP and that they can find someone better. In that case, you create a state of consciousness of being insecure, fearful, and doubtful. And also, you’re risking to manifest a 3rd party in your life.
The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is based on the concept that like attracts like. So, whatever we focus on, we attract more of.
We attract the energy that matches our own frequency.
Therefore, when you feel negative emotions like insecurity, jealousy, or fear that someone will steal your specific person away from you, you are inviting these scenarios into your life. You are creating a negative vibration and attracting the situations that match that vibration.
In other words, you are attracting your specific person and the 3rd party to each other.
As you can see, these laws play an important role in the way we create our reality. The question is, how can we use them to our advantage and deal with the third party manifestation effectively?
Ignorance Isn’t Always Bliss
The most common advice in the manifestation community is to ignore the 3rd party. Generally, this is good advice because it’s the fastest solution.
However, it doesn’t work for everyone. (Chances are it doesn’t work for you either since you’re reading this.)
The reason why ignoring doesn’t work for some is because they can’t simply stop thinking about it. It’s extremely hard to do so most of the time, and sometimes it can even be counterproductive. For example, it might subconsciously reinforce the fixation on that individual.
So the question is:
Can you focus on manifesting your desired relationship without thinking about the 3rd party?
If you can – great. Then, just focus on that.
But if you find it hard to ignore the 3rd party, that’s okay, too. There are other ways to manifest the 3rd party away from your specific person.
Choose the method that best aligns with your values and circumstances, and that makes you feel good and confident about your manifesting your desires.
Usually, when we want to consciously manifest something, we’re not just completely ignoring the circumstances we don’t want anyway.
Let me explain what I mean:
Suppose you want to manifest healing. Would you completely ignore the topic of sickness, prescriptions, and checkups with your physician?
Probably not. You would still think about it but in a more positive and constructive way.
The same goes for the 3rd party. If you can’t ignore them, you don’t have to. But you still need to change the way you think about them.
What I’m suggesting is the more proactive approach of consciously altering your beliefs and the story you tell to yourself about the 3rd party.
We’ll dive into it soon, but first I want to encourage you with a success story.

Get Rid Of a Third Party Manifestation Success Story
I know that getting rid of a third party sounds challenging, but here’s the proof that is possible!
I received an inspiring update from a reader who successfully applied the principles described here to change her situation. Her story shows how changing your perspective about a third party can create real changes in your physical reality:
Notice how this reader didn’t just try to ignore the situation – she actively worked to change her perspective about it.
This is exactly what we’ll explore in the following sections!
I’ll share specific techniques you can use to create similar results in your own life.
Identify and Replace Limiting Beliefs
Become aware of the beliefs that you have about yourself in relation to your SP and the 3rd party.
These are the beliefs that make you feel insecure, unworthy, or doubtful about yourself or your SP.
Some examples of such limiting beliefs are:
“I’m not good/pretty/smart/successful enough for [your SP],”
“[3rd party] is so much better than me.”
“Of course [your SP] prefers her/him over me.”
Write down all the beliefs that come to your mind and then challenge and replace them.
Ask yourself: “Is this belief serving me? Does it make me feel good?” If the answer is no, then you can let go of that belief.
You can do this by affirming the opposite of the belief, visualizing the outcome you want, meditating, journaling, or by using any other technique that works for you.
The goal is to replace your limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs that support your manifestation. Like this:
“Of course I’m good/pretty/smart/successful enough for [your SP],”
“I’m so much better than [3rd party’s name] for [your SP].”
“Of course [your SP] prefers me over [3rd party].”
Change Your Story
What is the importance of changing your story?
Your story is the narrative that you tell yourself and others about your life, your relationship, and your situation. It is based on your assumptions, beliefs, expectations, and interpretations of what is happening.
Your story is powerful because it shapes your 3d reality.
How to change your story?
Changing your story is not always easy, especially if you have been telling yourself the same story for a long time, if you have been influenced by the opinions of others, or by the appearance of the physical reality. However, it is possible, and it is worth it.
Actively create your desired storyline.
To change your story, you need to actively create a positive storyline that supports your desired reality. This means that you consciously choose the words, thoughts, and feelings that you use to describe your situation, your relationship, and your specific person.
Use words, thoughts, and feelings that imply that your desire has already manifested or that it is manifesting right now. Your story should make you feel good, confident, and happy.
Next, we will discuss powerful manifestation techniques to change your story and manifest reality without the 3rd party in it.
Visualization Method: Visualize Your Reality Without the 3rd Party
Visualization is creating mental images of the reality you want and feeling the emotions that accompany it.
One visualization method that you can use is to mentally erase the image of the 3rd party from your mind. To do this, you can imagine that you have a magic eraser that can erase anything you want. Imagine that you are erasing the image of the 3rd party from your reality as if they never existed.
Erase their face, their name, their voice, their presence, their influence, etc. You can erase them completely until there is nothing left of them in your mind.
You can then imagine that you are filling the empty space with the image of your specific person and with the love that you share. Invest all the mental and emotional energy you’ve released by erasing the 3rd party, into creating your desired reality.
You can repeat this visualization as often as you need until you feel that the 3rd party is gone, and that your SP is yours.

Scripting Method: Script Your Ideal Reality After the 3rd Party Is Gone
Scripting is the process of writing down the reality you want and expressing the emotions that go along with it.
One scripting technique that you can use is to script your ideal reality after the 3rd party is gone. This is a great way to manifest a positive storyline. Write down the reality that you want to experience as if it has already happened or as if it is happening right now.
For example, you can write down how you and your specific person got together, how you overcame the 3rd party situation, how you are happy and fulfilled in your relationship, loved and appreciated by your specific person, etc.
You can start with “Now, after [the event that implies that the 3rd party is gone for good]…“
Write down the details, the events, and the emotions that you want to experience in your relationship with your specific person. Include all the good things you desire to experience with your person. Emphasize everything that makes you feel good, confident, and happy.
You can write down your script in a journal, a notebook, a computer, or any other medium that you prefer. Read your script as often as you want until you feel that it is your reality.

Affirmations to Get Rid of a Third Party
You can also use affirmations to get rid of a third party.
Powerful affirmations to get rid of a third party and manifest a specific person:
- If I’ve created a third party situation, and I can also create the reality without her/him in it.
- The 3rd party is just a reflection of my past beliefs and will soon disappear from my experience completely.
- I can manifest [3rd party] out of my reality as easily as I manifested her/him into it.
- My SP and I communicate openly and honestly. There are no secrets between us.
- I am opening a new chapter of my life, free from insecurities and limiting beliefs.
- The 3rd party is leaving my reality.
- I am the best choice for my SP. No one can compare to me.
- There’s nothing and no one between me and my SP.
- I am the only one for [your SP].
- [Your SP] thinks I am irreplaceable.
- I am always chosen.

Revision: Revise the 3rd Party Manifestation
Another thing you can do is to revise the existence of the 3rd party in your physical reality.
Revision is the technique that helps you reimagine your past in a way you wish it had happened.
Imagine the version of your life where the 3rd party never appeared, and your SP was enticed by you from the beginning.
As in the techniques mentioned above, your goal should be to vividly experience your desired reality as if it’s really happening.
Get Rid Of a Third Party Manifestation: Conclusion
Let’s briefly recap how to deal with the third party manifestation and to create the reality you want with your specific person.
- Third party manifestation is a reflection of our own beliefs, fears, and insecurities.
- We can change it by changing our assumptions, focus, and vibration.
- As the creators of our own reality, we have the power to manifest our ideal relationship.
- Practical and powerful techniques that you can use to manifest the 3rd party away are – identifying and replacing your beliefs, changing your story, visualization, scripting, affirmations, and revision.
As you can see, manifesting what you desire revolves around altering your self-perception to foster feelings of deservingness and value. This is even more important when we want to manifest love and a committed relationship with someone.
So, apply these techniques consistently and diligently to transform your situation and manifest the relationship you want.
Remember, whatever you’re trying to manifest, it’s important to stay persistent.
You are the creator of your own reality, and you have the power to change anything you don’t like. You can have the love you want, and you deserve it.