The Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled: Neville Goddard’s Secret to Manifesting
It was during one of those “what am I doing wrong?” late-night internet rabbit holes that I stumbled upon Neville Goddard’s ‘feeling of the wish fulfilled‘. And let me tell you, it was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle I didn’t even know I was putting together. Imagine holding the key that unlocks your dreams. This key has nothing to do with relentless striving or endless waiting but with a simple, profound shift within. That’s the essence of the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
Table of Contents:
The Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled: What Does This Phrase Mean?
Simply put, the state of the wish fulfilled is the state of consciousness where your desire has been realized.
In my own experience, this feels like a deep sense of inner knowing that my wish is already mine.
This state of consciousness is the key to manifesting your desires.
It’s not enough to yearn, ask, or hope for something.
You have to assume the feeling that your desire has already been fulfilled.
To some people, this may sound counterintuitive, but it actually makes perfect sense.
Manifestation is often misunderstood as merely wanting or visualizing, but it is the embodiment of our desires—the visceral, emotional state of having them in our lives now—that bridges the gap between dream and reality.
Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard coined the term “feeling of the wish fulfilled.”
He is also one of the best teachers on this subject.
Neville was an amazing author, mystic, and spiritual teacher who showed us the true purpose of our imagination.
He was born in Barbados, but he later moved to the United States.
It was there he met an Ethiopian rabbi named Abdullah who became his mentor. With him, Neville studied Kabbalah and other mystical traditions.
Neville is one of the founders of the New Thought movement, which is all about using your mind to create your reality.
His core teachings revolve around three concepts:
- Power of our imagination
- The Law of Assumption
- Importance of ‘feeling’
Let’s explain very briefly each of these because we’re going to need them.
During his life, Neville gave many lectures on the importance of our imagination.
It’s the idea that your imagination is the source of your reality.
By using it creatively, you can shape your life according to your desires.
It’s like discovering a superpower that has been within you all along, waiting to bring your dreams to life.
The Law of Assumption
The law of assumption is an approach to manifesting your desires by assuming they are already fulfilled.
By doing this, you impress your subconscious mind and attract the corresponding reality.
Think of it as ‘living from the end,’ where you embody the joy and gratitude of having received what you wish for.
Feeling Is the Secret
In his teachings, Neville Goddard explains that embodying the state of your wish fulfilled is the key to manifestation.
This is the concept that you’re going to master if you follow the instructions from this blog post.
His best book on this topic is “Feeling Is the Secret,” if you want to look it up.
It has only four chapters: law and its operation, sleep, prayer, and spirit-feeling.
Okay, we’ve covered all the basics.
Now it’s time to explain the secret behind the feeling.

Feel It to Real It
When you feel as though your wish has already been realized, you are in a state of gratitude and abundance.
This attracts even more reasons to be grateful for and more abundance into your life.
This means not just thinking about that dream job, loving relationship, or being financially secure, but actually living from that state of being.
It’s like putting on your favorite outfit and feeling unstoppable — that’s the vibe we’re aiming for but with your dreams.
The goal is to feel as though what you wish is already yours.
Imagine waking up every day not with a sense of longing but with a profound knowing that your desired reality exists, and you’re already living it.
This isn’t about tricking yourself!
You’re aligning yourself so deeply with your desires that your subconscious has no choice but to say, “Okay, let’s make this happen.“
Change Your Life by Embodying the State of the Wish Fulfilled
Ever been so caught up in daydreaming about your desires that you almost felt them in your grasp, only to open your eyes and see they’re not quite there yet?
That’s where most of us are when we first try to consciously manifest our desires.
My Insights on the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled
When I first started practicing my wishes fulfilled, I began with something small — finding peace in my daily life amidst chaos.
Every morning, I’d sit with my green tea, close my eyes, and instead of scrolling through an endless feed of others’ lives, I’d take a mental stroll through my day, feeling peace in every task, and every interaction.
And you know what?
Slowly but surely, peace found its way to me.
Eventually, I mastered the state of flow in my daily activities.
Not because my external world changed, but because I changed how I perceived and interacted with it from the inside out.

If the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled Is All It Takes, Why Do Many People Fail at Manifesting?
The reason why so many people fail at manifesting is because they start using this manifesting principle on their biggest dreams.
It’s like expecting to win a marathon without ever preparing for it.
Your chances to make it happen are very slim.
As someone who has coached others on manifesting their desires, I’ve noticed that the gap between where we are and where we want to be often seems insurmountable.
Yet, when we begin to really dwell in the feeling of our desires as already fulfilled, something shifts.
We move from hoping to knowing.
How to Perceive Your Desire as Already Fulfilled
Living in the feeling of the wish fulfilled means shifting your perception. It’s about seeing the world not as it is, but as it could be with your wishes fulfilled.
To truly grasp this state, start small.
This is especially important if you have failed at manifesting before.
Pick one small wish where you’d like to see a change.
It has to sound believable to you.
Begin each day by practicing the feeling of that wish fulfilled.
Feel the joy, satisfaction, or gratitude of having it now.
How would you walk, talk, and make decisions if you were living that reality?
Once you master this principle on small stuff, you can advance to bigger things.
That’s where your power lies.
So, don’t just superficially answer these questions!
Try to answer them as best you can.
Think about it:
How would it feel to wake up already living that reality?
Would joy light up your face?
Would relief settle deep in your bones?
Or, maybe, excitement would have you bouncing out of bed ready to conquer the world.
Now, ask yourself:
What would my dominant thoughts and emotions be if I were already [your wish]?
How would I act today if I were already [your wish]?
Write all of your answers down.
Manifestation Techniques to Assume the Feeling of Your Wish Fulfilled
Now, that you’ve got your answers it’s time to assume that you already are that person who has your desire.
This is the difference between thinking and feeling about your wish and thinking and feeling from it.
This doesn’t mean ignoring your current reality or challenges.
It means choosing to focus on and feel the reality you desire, making it the dominant energy in your life.
Luckily, we have powerful manifestation techniques at our disposal that can help us with that.
Keep a Journal of Fulfilled Desires
Start a journal, but with a twist: this is your Fulfilled Desires Journal.
Every entry should be written from the perspective of having already achieved your dreams.
Detail how it happened, how it feels, and what you’re most grateful for.
This practice trains your brain to perceive these outcomes as your reality.
State Akin to Sleep SATS
One of Goddard’s most profound techniques involves entering a ‘state akin to sleep’ (SATS). SATS is a deeply relaxed state of consciousness that bridges the gap between the conscious and subconscious mind.
Here’s how you can practice it:
- Relaxation: Before bedtime, find a quiet place where you can relax without interruption. Lie down or sit comfortably, focusing on deep, slow breaths to release tension from your body.
- Visualization: Once you feel deeply relaxed, start visualizing a scene that implies your wish is already fulfilled. Make it as vivid as possible, involving all senses. If you’re manifesting a new job, visualize shaking hands with your new boss or working in your new office.
- Emotional Engagement: Feel the emotions associated with your scene. The joy of achievement, the excitement of new beginnings, or the peace of financial security—whatever it is, let it fill you up. Assume the state that would imply your wish is already true.
- Repeat Until Sleep: Gently repeat this scene in your mind until you drift off to sleep. The goal is to carry these feelings and images into this state akin to sleep, impressing them upon your subconscious.
Inner Conversations
Your internal dialogue plays a crucial role in shaping your reality. Changing these conversations to reflect your desires as fulfilled can have an enormous impact:
- Awareness: Pay attention to your current thoughts. What tone do they have? Are they supportive or self-defeating?
- Shift: Begin to consciously shift these thoughts. If you’re seeking love, for example, think thoughts that would imply that already have your wish. For example “I am so loved and cherished.”
- Consistency: Regularly engage in these positive internal conversations throughout your day. The more natural they feel, the closer you are to manifesting them.
Affirmations are powerful tools for reshaping your self-concept and aligning with your wish:
- Create Personalized Affirmations: Craft statements that resonate with your desired state of being. If you’re manifesting abundance, an affirmation could be, “I am a magnet for prosperity. Abundance flows to me effortlessly.”
- Daily Practice: Integrate these affirmations into your daily routine. Affirm them in the morning, write them in your journal, or say them out loud throughout the day.
- Emotional Connection: It’s crucial that you feel the truth of these affirmations as you say them. Visualize and feel the reality they represent, making them a natural part of your belief system.
As you probably know by now, it’s important to persist in your desire. This persistence is what bridges the gap between wanting and having, between dreaming and living.
Persistence transforms your deep-seated thoughts and beliefs, aligning them with your desires.
Dedicate time each day to practicing your technique of choice that helps you embody the feeling of the wish fulfilled. See yourself living your dream, feeling the emotions associated with this reality.
This regular practice cements the assumption in your subconscious.
If you do this long enough, it will become your second nature.
You will start to automatically think, feel, and act as the person who already has your desire.
And that’s when your desires flow to you effortlessly.

The Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled: Conclusion
In essence, the feeling of the wish fulfilled is about creating an inner alignment that reflects the life you desire. It’s about moving from yearning to living—from the outside in, to the inside out.
I invite you to view each day as an opportunity to practice these principles. Whether it’s through visualizing, changing your internal dialogue to reflect your new reality, or moving through your day with a deep sense of knowing, each step is moving you closer to the life you’ve envisioned.
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March 25, 2024 @ 5:01 pm
Great explanation of the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Thank you, as always.
March 25, 2024 @ 5:04 pm
You’re welcome, Julie. xo
Manifest Like a Pro: Top 10 Law of Assumption Techniques by Neville Goddard | Gate of Consciousness
May 7, 2024 @ 9:12 am
[…] Rule #3: Feel the Feeling of Your Wish Fulfilled […]