What Is the Golden Rule? The Words of Warning by Neville Goddard
As a manifestation coach and blogger, I get a lot of questions about how various manifesting concepts fit together. Recently, I got one about the fascinating Golden Rule in Neville Goddard’s teachings. So today, we’ll discuss what the Golden Rule is and how it relates to other manifesting concepts.
Table of Contents:
Neville Goddard’s Golden Rule: Key Takeaways
- The Golden Rule is based on the idea that your consciousness is God, the one and only reality.
- It’s an ancient concept transcending cultures, religions, and philosophies.
- Whatever you imagine and feel to be true of another person you will experience in some form.
The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule, often referred to as the rule of reciprocity, is based on the idea that your awareness is God – the ultimate reality.
This means that whatever you believe to be true of someone else, you will experience it in some way.
We are all connected as one entity experiencing itself subjectively through different points of awareness.
So, what we put out into the world, whether it be our thoughts, actions, or intentions, will come back to us in some form or another.
The Golden Rule, in its most universal form, is a principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. It’s a call for empathy, compassion, and ethical conduct.
We can see this principle in the teachings of many religions and beliefs throughout history.
The idea is simple yet powerful: treat others as you would like to be treated.
“Do unto others that which you would have them do unto you.” – Greek philosopher Isocrates
The History of the Golden Rule
The etymology of the term “Golden Rule” itself dates back to the 17th century, but the concept is ancient, transcending cultures, religions, and philosophies.
You find it in Christianity, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and mirrored in many other traditions worldwide.
This rule is more than a moral compass; it’s a bridge connecting us in our shared human experience.
So, let’s take a brief stroll down the memory lane of this ancient concept:
- Ancient Egypt: As far back as 2040-1650 BCE, an Egyptian story called “The Eloquent Peasant” emphasized the idea of “doing for one who may do for you, that you may cause him thus to do.”
- Ancient India: The concept appears in various forms in the Sanskrit epic, the Mahabharata, where it’s expressed as, “Do not to others what you do not wish done to yourself.”
- Ancient Greece: The famous philosopher Socrates, in 400 BCE, pondered the idea by questioning whether one would want to be treated as he himself treats others.
- Judaism and Christianity: These traditions have explicit references, like in Leviticus 19:18 (“Love your neighbor as yourself”) and in the words of Jesus in the New Testament (Matthew 7:12).
- Confucianism: Confucius, in 500 BCE, articulated it as, “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”
- Islam: The Hadith of Prophet Muhammad resonates with the rule, advising to love for one’s brother what one loves for oneself.
This principle has withstood the test of time. It’s a foundational value in ethical and moral teachings across the globe.
It’s a call for empathy, compassion, and ethical reciprocity – a foundational stone in building harmonious societies.
That brings us to Neville Goddard’s interpretation of the Golden Rule.
What Is the Golden Rule According to Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard was a remarkable teacher of spirituality and manifestation.
His teachings revolve around the Law of Assumption. This law states that what you assume to be true will manifest in your outer world.
There is a catch though. You must persist in your assumption regardless of what you see in the outer world.
So, how does the Golden Rule fit into Neville’s teachings?
As I mentioned, the Golden Rule is rooted in the concept that your awareness is God, the absolute reality.
Whatever you perceive to be true of someone else, you will experience it in some form.
We are all one entity experiencing itself subjectively through different points of awareness. These different points of awareness are what we perceive as separate people.
So, if you wish harm upon someone else, you are actually harming yourself.
This is why it’s so important to always come from a place of love and compassion towards others.
When we lift others up, we are also lifting ourselves.
Neville suggested that when we wish for something, we should ask ourselves:
Does this align with the Golden Rule?
In other words, are our desires rooted in the betterment of not just ourselves but also others?
Ill-Intended Thoughts
Neville Goddard also warns us about the dangers of ill-intended desires.
He believed that true manifestation is more than getting what we want for ourselves. We also need to ensure that our wishes do not harm others.
It’s about creating a world where everyone’s needs and dreams can coexist harmoniously.
To quote Neville:
“Because desires regardless of their nature can be so easily expressed by fixed attitudes of mind, a word of warning must be given to those who have not yet realized the oneness of life, and who do not know the fundamental truth that consciousness is God, the one and only reality.”
The Golden Rule and Neville’s Concept of “Everyone Is You Pushed Out”
When it comes to the Golden Rule, it’s important to mention Neville Goddard’s teaching that “everyone is you pushed out.”
Essentially “Everyone Is You Pushed Out,” or EIYPO for short, means that our outer reality is a reflection of our inner world.
So, if we wish to see harmony and success in our external circumstances, we must first cultivate it within ourselves.
This principle applies to people, too.
Every person in our lives is a reflection of our own consciousness.
This means that if we encounter negativity or conflict with others, it is ultimately stemming from within us. And again:
To change our relationship with another, we must first change ourselves.
How to Reconcile the Golden Rule and EIYPO
I’ve noticed that some of you have been wrestling with what seems like a contradiction in Neville Goddard’s teachings, especially when it comes to the Golden Rule and the concept of EIYPO.
So, where does the confusion come in?
Well, it pops out after reading this passage from Goddard’s “Freedom for All:
“Your immediate environment is defined by your own conception of yourself plus your convictions regarding others which have not been accepted by them. Your conception of another which is not his conception of himself is a gift returned to you. Suggestions, like propaganda, are boomerangs unless they are accepted by those to whom they are sent.”
So, how a law that clearly doesn’t respect individuality can allow for suggestions to be rejected?
To understand this, it’s important to consider the role of awareness and acceptance in the manifestation process.
While you can influence your reality through thoughts and feelings, the form that this influence takes can vary depending on your level of consciousness and the clarity of your intentions.
Everything reflects back to you your inner state or the content of your subconscious.
Boomerang also works on the same principle – it always comes back toward the person who threw it.
So, rather than seeing these teachings as contradictory, you can view them as different layers of the same truth. As your understanding expands, they reveal deeper insights.
What if You Have Negative Intentions Towards Another?
Let’s say you emit a negative intention or suggestion towards another. It does not necessarily manifest as a direct action from the other person but rather as a reflection of the state you’re embodying.
For example, if you wish ill upon another, you’re assuming a negative state.
This will reflect negatively in your own experiences (not necessarily causing harm to the other).
Since there is only God, when you hurt another you actually hurt yourself. It’s like throwing mud that splashes back on you.
We are all one entity experiencing itself subjectively through different points of awareness – what we perceive as separate people.
As Charles Haanel suggests in “The Master Key System,” the higher our consciousness, the more complex our understanding of these laws becomes. As we grow, we perceive less contradiction and more harmony between these concepts and the ethical implications of how we choose to do so.
The Golden Rule and 3rd Parties
This brings us to the most common question:
“What about manifesting love, especially when it involves a specific person?“
This can sometimes be a tricky terrain to navigate.
Relationship With Someone Who Is Already Taken
Let’s say you desire a relationship with someone who’s already in a happy partnership.
If you use your manifesting powers to draw them away from their current partner, aren’t you violating the Golden Rule?
After all, you’re taking what another loves, which you wouldn’t want done to you.
Can you manifest your SP’s breaking up with their current partner and being with you without compromising the Golden Rule?
The answer is yes.
However, this often presents a gray area in manifestation, particularly if your SP is already in a happy, committed relationship.
So, if you find yourself drawn to someone who is taken, take a moment for some soul-searching. Here are a few questions to consider:
- Ask yourself why your desire focuses on this person. Is it truly about them, or perhaps the qualities they embody?
- Could these qualities be found in someone who is not already committed?
This approach adheres both to the Golden Rule and Goddard’s teachings.
If you still insist on manifesting your SP, the key is to focus on creating a positive outcome for all parties involved.
For instance, you can intend for your SP’s current partner to find someone even better for them. And, of course, assume that your SP is with you because you are the perfect match.
This way, you’re not wishing ill will upon anyone, and your intention is in the best interest of everyone involved.
Job Position Currently Occupied by Someone Else
The same goes for job manifestation.
Do you need to wish for the person who currently holds the position to get fired for you to get it?
Of course not!
Such thinking often comes from a place of lack and fear. With an abundance mindset, we naturally realize that our opportunities are limitless! There is no need to take anything away from another.
It’s never about getting rid of the person who has what you want. It’s about creating a new story where your desire is already true.
So, instead of focusing on the other person’s flaws and why you’re better than them, focus on your own self-worth and confidence. Affirm that you are good enough, deserving of love, and the best person for the job.
You can read more about it here: Get Rid Of a Third Party Manifestation
How to Practice the Golden Rule in Life
Understanding the principles behind the Golden Rule and “Everyone is you pushed out”, is just the beginning.
We need to truly integrate these ideas into our life, through daily practices.
Here’s how you can use manifestation techniques to embody these principles effectively:
Your imagination is a great tool for manifesting personal goals but also for improving your relationships.
- Daily Visualization Practice: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself in interactions with others. What would make them uplifting for both you and others? Visualize exchanging kindness, respect, compliments, or understanding. See these interactions in your mind’s eye as vividly as possible. Pay close attention to the emotions and sensations associated with these positive exchanges.
- Imaginative Rehearsal: Before engaging in potentially challenging interactions, vividly imagine the conversation going smoothly. Visualize outcomes that are beneficial for all involved.
- Empathy through Visualization: Visualize yourself in another person’s situation, especially if you find yourself in conflict. This helps cultivate empathy and patience. It also aligns your actions with how you wish to be treated.
- Healing Visualization: If you have any resentment or bitterness towards someone, use your imagination to visualize forgiving them. This does not mean you condone their actions, but you choose to free yourself from the burden of negative emotions.
Affirmations reinforce your desired state of being and help align your subconscious mind with your conscious intentions. Create affirmations that reflect the way you want to interact with the world.
For example:
- I treat others with the compassion and respect that I wish to receive.
- I am patient and understanding with everyone around me, as they are with me.
Repeat your affirmations daily, ideally in the morning and at night before you sleep. Repetition helps embed these ideals into your subconscious. They become more of a natural part of your behavior.

The Golden Rule Conclusion
The ultimate takeaway from Neville Goddard’s Golden Rule is the impact of inner work on external realities.
The Golden Rule holds immense power in shaping our outer world.
When we treat others with kindness, compassion, and respect, we are paving the way for our own well-being and fulfilling lives.
By following the Golden Rule, we actively participate in shaping a more compassionate and understanding world.
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August 16, 2024 @ 11:32 am
Hi Bee, I’m the one who asked you about the golden rule (I’ll not leave my name for privacy, but I’m sure you know who I am). As I already told you this article is detailed and really goes in depth about this topic. I have a question about it and I can’t find a solution by myself: the last year I broke up with my sp and some time later I started thinking that he was back with his ex-girlfriend, but actually he met a new person. Why did this happen? Why even if I persisted in the idea of him back with his ex he had a new person? This worried me because I started thinking that even if I persist in the idea of we back toghether it won’t manifest. Maybe his subcoscious didn’t accept the idea of him back with his ex, so there’s a possibility of the fact that his subcoscious doesn’t accept the idea of we back toghether?
What about if we want manifest a better life for someone else, if his subcoscious doesn’t accept that idea it won’t manifest? Also, I don’t understand if in law of asumption is more correct to talk about parallel realities or accepting the idea that the subcoscious of the other people exist. In the first case is much more easy to manifest.
Thank you for everything and I send love your way!
August 18, 2024 @ 2:36 pm
Yes, I know who you are 🙂. I’m happy that you enjoyed the blog post.
About your SP: It sounds like, even though you were thinking about him with his ex, on some level, you still wanted to get back together with him. After all, he is your SP.
In other words, you weren’t 100% aligned with the idea of him getting back together with his ex. You were consciously thinking about him getting back with his ex, but it wasn’t an intentional imaginal act. More likely, these were automatic thoughts rooted in fear. The essence of your fear – him being with someone else – still manifested.
August 18, 2024 @ 2:42 pm
About “parallel realities versus accepting the idea that the subconscious of other people exists,” one doesn’t exclude the other. There are different levels of consciousness, as I’ve discussed before. The greater the level of consciousness and clarity of intention a person has, the more their reality will conform to their desires. But this alignment requires practice. The best way to prove to ourselves that manifestation works is to practice it—consistently and with intention. I hope this clarifies things.